Vice President


Remember where you read this. Donald Trump has narrowed down his search for his vice-presidential running mate. Although there are still a few candidates in the running, my very well-placed source says the front runner by far is North Dakota Governor and former presidential candidate Doug Burgum. As my source explains it, Doug checks all of the boxes that truly matter to Trump: he’s wealthy and has an attractive blonde wife! Although the other candidates – like Florida Senator Marco Rubio, are still in the running, Doug is also a Trump favorite because he’s never really badmouthed the former president. The reason Trump won’t pick Marco Rubio is because there are countless videotaped interviews of Marco saying terrible things about Trump. Keep in mind, Doug still needs to be thoroughly vetted, but unless something unexpected comes up you can all but guarantee he’ll be Trump’s running mate.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Good gossip is good gossip and as you know, we sometimes share juicy political scoops. Ohio Senator JD Vance embarrassed himself during a recent ABC interview when he stated he would NOT have certified the election if HE were the VP at that time. Who can forget the January 6 riots when the Capital was stormed because then VP Mike Pence did the right thing and certified the results, declaring Joe Biden the winner. According to our DC insider, JD is working overtime to brownnose up to Trump, and his ABC interview was part of his plan. Our source says that he’s planning to make more and more outlandish statements like that in hopes of getting Trump to appoint his as Vice President. My source also says he’s boasting to “anyone who will listen” that he’s planning to spend time with Trump at Mar-a-Lago this winter. We hate to break it to JD, but unless he plans on transitioning into a female, he won’t be Trump’s VP. Now here’s the real scoop:  During a recent conference call with mega donors ( think MILLIONS) Trump let it slip that he is picking a WOMAN to be his running mate…





Sometimes we can’t resist sharing a snippet of gossip from our political insider: Disgraced former president Donald Trump is scheming to get back into the White House and we hear that he wants to turn his biggest threat into his running mate. According to our source, the ONLY republican candidate Trump is worried about is moderate Nikki Haley. (She’s the one who doesn’t want to criminalize abortion among other sane ideas) Trump fears Nikki is the only one standing in his way of becoming the republican nominee. Behind VERY closed doors he’s had his people reach out to offer her the spot of vice president – IF she agrees to drop out of the race soon, and join his ticket! For now, Nikki has no desire to abandon her OWN White House dream, but if she doesn’t do well in the early primaries next year, she COULD take Trump up on his idea!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Our DC source occasionally drops some political gossip and we found this one too juicy not to share. Right-wing fanatic and die-hard Donald Trump supporter, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is giving herself a MAKEOVER in hopes of being selected as Trump’s running mate if he secures the Republican nomination and isn’t in prison. Donald’s known for being misogynistic, and calculating Marjorie figured she was too fat and frumpy for him to seriously consider her to be vice president. She’s on a diet and already lost 10 pounds, and has hired a professional stylist to update her hair, makeup and wardrobe. She’s also had her teeth whitened and some minor cosmetic procedures. Our source blabs that Marj is even looking into scheduling plastic surgery during a congressional recess, hoping to reshape her nose and soften her features.


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We could not resist posting this adorable photo of California girl Kamala Harris when she was eighteen and graduating from Westmount High School in Quebec. (Her mother got a research job in Canada for a few years.) As an independent voter, we are excited and hopeful that we will have a female vice president and perhaps eventually a female president. This woman is super-qualified and we LOVED the way she raked the questionable Brett Kavanaugh over the coals during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings. What this country really need is more women in office.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


We can think of one person who is SUPER excited to hear that Joe Biden has picked California Senator Kamala Harris for his VP. Maya Rudolph just got an Emmy nomination for her portrayal of Kamala Harris in several Saturday Night Live skits. Maya says her imitations of Harris have always been playful and fun – not mean spirited. Of course, now she can look forward to many more appearances on SNL next season – and who knows where else.

Photo: NBC