Laura Prepon


Convicted rapist Danny Masterson‘s former That 70s Show costars, Ashton Kutcher, and Mila Kunis have taken a LOT of heat for writing letters to the judge, in hopes of getting him a lenient sentence. What’s even MORE interesting though, is that his OTHER former costar, Laura Prepon, did NOT write a letter to the judge even though she was asked to do so by Danny’s people. Laura used to practice Scientology along with Danny, and there was speculation that HE was the one who got her into the controversial cult. Laura eventually wised up and parted ways with Scientology over five years ago, but according to our source she’s terrified of speaking out against them, (Like Leah Remini does) so she keeps quiet on the subject. THAT is probably why she hasn’t commented on Danny’s conviction or written a letter on his behalf. Our source maintains that she doesn’t want to deal with the danger of talking about Scientology in any way, so she remains silent.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Laura Prepon and husband Ben Foster


It’s a tangled web that Scientology weaves. This week Orange is the New Black actress Laura Prepon stated that she has not been involved in Scientology for the past five years – around the time she started dating her now-husband Ben Foster. She also emphasized that Ben has NEVER been a member of the church. Turns out that Laura was drawn into Scientology in the late 90’s by her That 70’s Show costar (and lifetime Scientologist) Danny Masterson.The “church” no doubt rewarded Danny handsomely for recruiting a celebrity. Laura also dated Danny’s brother Christopher for 8 years. Coincidentally, Ben Foster was Danny’s BFF during the early 2000’s and people assumed HE was a Scientologist also. Ben claims he wasn’t and now whenever Laura talks about leaving the church, she makes it a point to mention that Ben was never a member. Now that Danny Masterson is up on rape charges by several women, and the “church” is accused of a cover-up, celebrity Scientologists are distancing themselves, and we hope some ARE really cutting ties. We continue to theorize that the church helps celebrity members avoid paying taxes on their big incomes by faking and writing off huge church contributions – among other things- and they make it VERY difficult to leave. If only churches paid taxes like everyone else, this would all end!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA, Ben and Laura at Independent Film Awards (she’s 5’10” and pregnant)


It looks like accused three-time rapist Danny Masterson has masterminded another Scientology coupling. TMZ reported that Hell or High Water star Ben Foster, 37, and Orange is the New Black star Laura Prepon, 38, applied for a marriage license at City Hall. (They already have a child together.) Masterson and Laura costarred on That 70’s Show and Ben Foster has been his best friend for years. You KNOW how Scientologists must marry within the “church” or bad things happen. Ben is an undercover Scientologist while Laura is OUT. It all makes you WONDER if Danny’s other close friends (and 70’s Show costars) Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are undercover Scientologists too!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News


Months after splitting with his longtime girlfriend/fiancée Robin Wright, Ben Foster, 35, has put a ring on Orange is the New Black star Laura Prepon, 36, who happens to be a longtime enthusiastic Scientologist. And her thetan finger would never have welcomed a ring from anyone NOT into Scientology! Let’s face it- Ben has been a friend of high – ranking Scientologist Danny Masterson for YEARS, and Laura has also. And Ben has never confirmed or denied his attachment to Scientology. Now he doesn’t have to. He’s already gone over to the dark side. Too bad – he was so good in Hell or High Water. Laura will be getting MAJOR POINTS from Scientology for pulling in actor Ben.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News