His latest creation is a nod to climate change activists who are disappointed by the UN Climate Summit’s recent meeting- not enough action was taken to tackle global warming! Photo: Instagram
His latest creation is a nod to climate change activists who are disappointed by the UN Climate Summit’s recent meeting- not enough action was taken to tackle global warming! Photo: Instagram
It’s amazing that Harrison Ford is an activist and advocate for reducing carbon footprints, yet he continues to fly his own private planes. Ford lectures about climate change, but his own carbon footprint is considerable since he flies so often. (Private planes produce MUCH more carbon per passenger than commercial flights.) Certainly his wife Calista Continue reading “HARRISON FORD LOVES TO FLY AND IGNORES HIS OWN CARBON FOOTPRINT”
We have to confess we have a soft spot for the UK artist Banksy and his whimsical social commentary. His stenciled public art appears out of nowhere to promote his views and is immediately worth a fortune. Last week the Extinction Rebellion group (Emma Thompson is a supporter) protested the government’s lack of involvement in Continue reading “BANKSY STRIKES AGAIN!”