Christopher Walken


This whole rehashing of the Natalie Wood drowning case thirty years after the fact looks like the LAPD trying to drum up some good will for itself. The fact that they got their “new” information from a book written by the boat captain is borderline absurd. This “captain” has been selling stories to the press for YEARS and certainly this publicity will help book sales. Back in 1981, the surviving parties, Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken didn’t want the public to know how high they all were on quaaludes (the hot drug at the time) and alcohol. No one wanted to ruin Natalie’s reputation either, so the drugs and booze were played down. Certainly, bad decisions were made by all three celebrities on the yacht – maybe even involving sex. Chances are, Natalie was so loaded she was clumsy and didn’t know what she was doing when she fumbled with the dinghy and landed in the water. And the guys were just too wasted to pay attention. There was no foul play, just massive inebriation.