Straight Shooter

This divorce even took Hollywood by surprise. The cute young couple loved being parents and appeared to be a good match. They seemed to have a perfect life and were envied by outsiders. When they suddenly split up there was no real explanation. Was he cheating? Was she cheating? They didn’t seem to mind the accusations, because they drew attention AWAY from what REALLY destroyed the marriage. Hard drugs. She found out he was addicted to heroin and had no intenton of giving it up.

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85 thoughts on “Straight Shooter


  2. i think it’s larry king -he uses heroin to alleviate hemmeroid pain! too bad he can’t do anything about his fecal-scented DENTURE BREATH!

  3. It has to be Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson. They were always rumors about his drug use.

  4. but chris isn’t a “hollywoodite”….ryan and reese seem to easy….
    nick and jessica?

  5. Has to be Reese and Ryan. Kate’s infidelity is the reason they split up.
    and a lot of addicts don’t look like they’re addicts.

  6. It’s not Reese & Ryan. The article said there was no real explanation for the sudden split & it was said right away that Ryan was cheating.

  7. Where do you get Ryan cheating?? Reese has yet to say anything of the sort and Ryan has flat out denied that he did anything. Every write up about their break -up has mentioned that there wasn’t one defining reason for the break-up…it just built up. In other words…NO REAL EXPLANATION. Wake up and smell the Opiates Patsy…it’s Reese & Ryan for sure.

  8. I agree with you James. His cheating has been nothing more than speculation at best, but neither of them have confirmed that nor has it been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  9. So Janet, how long ago was this divorce? Was it recent or is this something that happened in the last couple of years?

  10. If this is recent and not something from the mid-90’s, I’d say Reese and Ryan. Kate and Chris don’t qualify as a cute young couple, well, not Chris anyway. Ryan has long been known for his dope-smoking, maybe pot wasn’t the only thing he was into. For all we know he may be spreading the cheating rumors to deflect attention from the real reason behind the split.

  11. Ease down there, james. Where do I get Ryan cheating?? It hasn”t exactly been a secret that He & Abbie Cornish were having an affair. Google it if you want. You”ll have more luck finding affairs than heroin addiction. That”s why I don’t think it”s Reese & Ryan. Jmo.

  12. Dave and Carmen are childless, as far as I know, and are both in their thirties–middle and late. I don’t think that’s old, personally, but it’s not young either. Well, I guess it depends on what Janet meant by “young”. Reese and Ryan seem the most likely, since they have kids–although they are also in their thirties.There isn’t much to go on in these whodunits–are they ever solved?

  13. At first I thought it was Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philipe, but then I read the heroin angle and it has to be Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson.

  14. Maybe this crap is no one….and they’re just made up little stories to keep you all guessing…..and how convenient that this one combines storylines from two hollywood couples who have recently broken up..i think these whodunnits are all made up and there aren’t any answers..just a way for janet to increase the stickiness of her site

  15. I’m going with Reese and Ryan. They had said they were determined to fight through anything because marriage is so important to them. This split is sudden, they both have been quiet, and I think cheating would be a better excuse than to let out drug use, especially for HIS career.

  16. Well, she said “cute” so, Chris Robinson is out (as is Fed-ex. Maybe Chad Lowe- but no kids, so he’s out, too. Could be Travis, too…but I’m going with Reese and Ryan.

  17. JANET!
    You need to give some answers to your stupid WHODUNIT crap.
    Travis Barker and Shanna Mokler??
    YOUNG couple
    Kind of a surprise……but not really.

  18. Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler, it’s obvious watch meet the barkers he was out of it for most of that series

  19. I might think it’s Reese Witherspoon and husband but who knows? Better for the children if he is gone, gone, gone.

  20. maybe its reese and ryan, they have kids but he doesn’t look like an addict.

  21. a 2. ok corn dog lickers of fag communities and anyboby else who is against mark edward burnett’s pussy virgin play ground. and you relize there does not have to be any sexy acts. just shairing of my sperm seed and your girls play seed spoon feeding me and very yumme hymin blood drink worship. pluck pluck yumme girls. now so you all no this is no god damn game throw. here is how it is. i just purchased every spider purgatory, upstairs in heaven and down below in hell. now my iv leagues owns every spider pergatory. a no bull shit reality. so adjusting facts of life you ninne nink cun poops have to adjust to is this. first off mafia, cartel, maffeeosaw ringleaders are here in alaska. mafia ring leader is my younger brauder, known has, “north pirate” now our cartel ring leader is a very close friend of mine, known as “north worm”. these two bo ba dudes have much more compassion than i do, this is why i am a grooming pedafyualing maffeeosaw druglord, ringleader, and diamond in the rough. our dea engineering is unbeatable, if you do not already know this by now, you kaotic dum fucks will soon learn of am-bigatory work force, gauging with top notch effort. and any of you twerps that think you can take us over, you’ll experience exzercisum in our hear after through a sub-contract choice spider pergatory. and if you doubt what i am teaching you, you better stop fucking each other and jacking off for the rest of you earth bound living legacy. [a bible quote, do not follow a crowd], so do not go to any more paraids’. it won’t get you num skulls a paradise. my grandma said you seen one paraid you have seen them all. now all of my family and all of department of corrections know how i love young little girls, a no joke reality. i have had 11 years strangeling me of prison time because i loved a 13 year old girl and there wasn’t any sex activaty, except for my jac off relief. a community and a couple of state troopers set me up and slamed me with a bogus stalking charge. 11 fucking years assholes. i got 1 year for the misdaminor stalking, 4 years for my gun slinging, and 6 mother fucking years for perjury. total those years up of loosing my sex apeel. not good, eh hollywood and america. all because of real love. i am going to piece this together for you human beings, so you better pay real close attention, because i do have dragon spheres and fish sleeker leases, plural on both. and i do luv my dragon spheres more than i luv most of you so called grown up adults. you will not be able to rid, slay, or hook my dragons or my fish sleeker leases. who wants to go be a leak snitch now. eco system placing is real, girls boys, and grown ups. read this for one of ur personal, personality changes, of my semester teaching. my first police ride was when i was in first graid, with my uncle detective, in the front seat of his unmarked squad car, and he had his piece and we were on duty. that is when i was joined into reality of the youngest law enforcer. so now you know how far back i began my grap work, research, and exercising my life teaching to a world of walking, talking, fucking, sneaking, peeking, hiding, jeckle and heckle legacy human beings. bucky,meb. i luv all you virgin girls, more than your capabull of imagining. 4,four real girls. age wise your little playmate underlord girls. bucky blue mooning all my precious virgin girls’ and any one else helping out. my luv is for you too.

  22. america as i professionally process my book,koob, provision, of “boo who guess who”. if you are cool enough too ingauge, engauge of holy matramoany, yo yo yeah, here it is , merry merry round tym,time, i luv you, marry mary round, precious how luv is really suppose to be fullfeeled. now this rectafys a bo bo high clone clown priest offical luving marriage plus vows. two genders’ of both, without any sex acts. you are more than desired to look in on my book,koob rough drafting through what i enter in here, not known as gospil truth of pillow liars, but to educate known as ghost spells, how do you love,luv me now. no joke hook or sinker. enjoy proof review and most importantly refresh your very own becoming born idenaughty of living reality. and it is a lite matter of enlitenment and small loving titles. excuse my poor bound spell practice, i am only perfect of my virtues’ of luv and bringing down real deadly mother nature witches’. where is my abaloney sky color, i will fofiet that for a real girl pussy play ground, unless you all allow me to do both. kay pos saw, a known say sow boy, mark edward burnett. dea real professiona.

  23. too descre-shun of poor rush spelling errors. pronounce as you see my spell bound sperm seed akowledging, in a bible i read one of pauls worst fears was to be put on a shelf. i have many fears, but jacking off is not one of my fears, cause i drink swallow my own sperm seed. now you have real bib law bible psalms read of lituriture. forfit to purchase professional allowance for my abalony skys, i can purchase my keylows of cocaine in south america for 8 to 9 hundred $$$$ i wonder how many witches will dead rise before i cave into a jesus ceremony of my pleasure over dosing. we have our own dea establishments of deablo land and they go unpunished. that is why i am your last black dolly lama bogata greese monkey teller. now wouldn’t you all like to learn more before i jast change my traffic where abouts preluding into amaleckhigh, of omnie prescribed potential as i have discribed for eveyone. you will either learn to luv me or hate me. i do not allow two enjoy both. cape cod saw saw. i own a real see saw teator taughter. he said she said what about those polished diamonds. christine agular. hose of naked ware luv. bucky,meb. cocain deablow diamond cowboy, offical dea say sow boy and papeatoe druglord. omnie not so silent am i, hush hush sweet charlet.

  24. okay hollywood i understand that some of you gall check whores, bimbos, and run of the mill stupid bitches, and some of your dick dangalures of ur nigar cunt tree making, could be innocent, [as me]. for i did not stalk molly s. when she was 13 years of age. so i see it such as, i kinda feel sorry for sum of you, but not you opera. now i do not want to leave any of you out in a cold arena, because i have an ordained worship of shaired knowledge gain and reality with you all. BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO HAVE MY COCAIN LABRATORY FOREMAN, JEHOVA, BE PISSEd OFF AT ME. ALONG WITH EVERYONES ‘POWDER JACK’. WHEN JEHOVA BLOWS ON YOU, YOUR FUCKING BONES SHIVVER, AND I DO NOT FEEL PROUD IF I JERK FUCK JEHOVA OFF, [jehova is] ONE OF ALL OF OUR LORD-GOD CREATORS AND A VERY SERIOUS AND EXTREMELY [deadly\] UNDERTAKER IN EVERYONE OF OUR LIVES. SO I FOR ONE AM GOING TO GIVE HIM HIS DEW REWARD OF HIS BIBLE DICTATION, PREACH, TEACH, AND EDUCATION, TO ALL OF YOU. THEN I WON’T HAVE TO GO DO JOBa CONTRACTS FOR HIM IN OUR HEAR AFTER. I GO UNPUNISED, I JUST HAVE TO GO DO MORE COLLECTION FOR OUR BIG BO BA JEAHOVA [of everyones alpha and omega] I AM GOING TO SHINE HIS OWNERSHIP HONOR AND HIS MOUNT SIN YA HEY,HAY GLORY OUT FOR ALL YOU FUCK FACES, FROM NOW UNTILL I LEAVE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. this is how it is hollywood, kay saw ba of whole sale death, if you fuck me over, you fuck jehova over, you fuck big piano man over, you fuck big deablo over, you fuck your own reincarcenatour over, [trexxus under] she is everyones mother nature exacutioner, be-header, plus eco system placer, not to live huiman form no more. and this is a cartel detail for all of you human living beings and all of your extras’, [example snidle whiplash] so pay ur respect to these mother fucking bad bo ba,s’ who help create everyone of us. and do not give them any fucking sea side dum ass prayers, they will make a joke out of your silly fuck face and hand you over to [my orca whales] now every one of these master bo ba dee, sin gar dee future life giving forces watch and enjoy it when i handle my cocko boner in my jac off pro seedings four my, my precious virgin girls psalms preperation and readings’. they see everything you silly fuckers do, there is no place, where to hide, from these purple majestys, of our bo bo boss sow a, good ole count [drac
    qu la] count needs crack repair and perfect formation on maintenance, which brings everyone of us into my very own owner ship of my , proud to say. my iv leagues, mafia, cartel, maffeeosaw, “say so boy” virgin pussy play ground. if you think any of your games krafts voo doo susy home makers’ ect are going to get rid of us, through ur fuck face pulp fictions’, you dum fuck faces will all be placed accordinly and fucking perish, dwindel ect, away, for begotten ever. i begin here because you dum asses have to start your motor transportation, for burden of living, realities proof.[cherabiums’] on-goin give or take a few. and remember fuck faces i did only mention a few of these bad mad creatours, believe me there are more and i wiil tread as perfect as i am now, not stupid, not a dumb ass, and for sure no idiot. my live email is this, [] feel free for futhering gap loosers knowledge, i wiil grab your info and give it to you very straight. mark edward burnett and my skits sow freenea personality is , zerra omnie lawpana. [k poss saw] i am labeled a peddafyalure, are you humans chimos’. you better change that now. and asking for forgiviness will automaticle atom place you into trexxus under’s chambers of her own worships. this is very very big big tym. don’t get youselves yolked mother fuckers. that is why i am here helping all of you along your own path, directions, of sex acts of our bibles bib laws’. and your dum founded illegal country code, cunt tree of london bridges, watch your selves very caus-shus-lee, for everyone is being judged now here on planet noah’s ark, earth. i luv you marykate and ashley olsen, my very own precious monkets, monkits. i love u two double trouble green mooning olsen twins, from you rally checker inn, bogata monkey professional fucking cleaner. meb. k say raw sar raw. bib laws adjourning for now. boo who guess who. and remember you dum fuckers there is a real loosesawfir and a devil enteprise. be very wary of every thing you do forth.

  25. marykate and ashley olsen, merry merry round tym, vow of my prince jesus marriage, i did not say miraj, marry mary round, ashley an mk olsen, blue mooning the both of you olsen twins, with albakrawzing protection. also ashley and marykate, in one of ur younger girl day movies, one of you pulled out a green round moon sphere from a mirror, i have possession of one of those green moon stones. a very good boyhood friend of mine purchased it from a museum store up here in alaska. he gave it to me. another hinge concern, did ur chief security officer of ur dual star let you two know he called me up jan 9, 2009, and we talked for sum time. he said he would check back up on me in a couple of months, “billy vernin”, gave me his word. hope he decides to fullfill his word of my honor. commitment vow. precious as it is. morton square cooper property management called new york’s dectecive police on me, ain’t that sum shit to hear, ah ah ah. cooper fuck faces, junk yard collections. gib ee gaub ba collections for down stares. by-ute no frills bill. i am engineering real bad girl and bo bo man hoods’ dna and geneology of anatomy and biology. mm mm good. wish i had yours mk ans ashley. luv ur only fair shairing bogata monkey, mark edward burnett, why is it i see you two in so much of my sleeping visions, maybe one day you two will have enough courage too see me face to face. meb,, sos..

  26. ok all of you here is my reality criminal felon record. in 1987 i was busted with recieving pure cocain hydrocloride in my mail box from venezuall, caracus and bogata colombia’s, cartel capital of south america from my partnership club owners’ of [ve]. 93 percent pure. this is as pure as boot leggers anonomus cocain can be manufactured [kitchen clean], unless you have pharmacuitical, which is 99 percent pure, alot safer foreverone involved. i got two years for that police bust. i did a 13 month justice serve finish. then in 1996 i got framed in on a misdamenor stalking black ball job, plus a gun charge, extended into a fucking perjury beef. 11 years. i got out oct 17 2001 and then got re-arrested oct 19 2002 for 15 pure grams of trexxus unders mummy wrapping cocain. i got 2 fucking flat time years on that, plus i had to do all of my 33 months of mandatory parole. then i got released jan 6 2006, untill july 11 2006 i got remandated for dominican cartel pure bo ba cocka hey cocain, i brought down one of mother nature’s kidnapping wart nosed fabebaling babaloaning witches, she is doa, and so is her spider kingdom, i became very wealthy at that point stage of my reincarnation into department of corrections. i had sum good time i had left to finish. no re-arrest charge because i had consumed it all. july 11, 2006, until aug 7 2007 when i walked out of department of correction. i have been out ever since, and i am telling everyone when i powder my nose again i am going to at least have one huge boot-legging hill billy keylow of pure cocka hey, marijuana, and herion-chiva, with crystal meth. amp. and maybe afew more keylows’, depending on how many of us are their, of my bad boy reputation of 8 ball blue moon crack smoke play and bow wow war party sankshuns’. so be ware. fore warned is blunt and both fair. and i am going after your fuck face jolly green giant of tim buck times 2, nigars, and possibly your nigar rib luving plank man nigar of pop goes someones ded finish. he reigns down stares and that is a scary plank walk, people and womb holes. then i am going after your mickey mouse walt disney warlock wizard, tristan. he is a fuck face miser. thats some of my collections while i remain alive nigars’. dedly reign deer games you created hollywood, so be it. unlawfull and unjust. message style from your real dea druglord, mark edward burnett.

  27. and remember i never turned queer to faggot in my duration of my prison escapaids. i am a bo bo master jacker small karma king,prince justus. very real and thourough, thurough, thursday is rough when saturday i cannot spell properly. diamond bow wow rough cowboy cool groovin monkey. audioss, i close for now. my luv for all your virgin cream girls world. me mark myself, black markits establishments’ of edward, and i rooftop burnings’ by burnett.

  28. okay dy rappa date tas . john travolta, pull ur head out of ur ass, your beginning to show a fat ass jackie gleeson, stupidaty. don’t follow in that fat fuckers dead nigar ass swollen up foot steps. if you do not do it for your self, then do it for my precious bella, who is ur daughter, do you remember her john. i have jacked off for my bella blu, john. you were holding here in a people magazine, and her bare legs were showing so i vowed a sperm flow and drank my sperm for ur daughter john travolta. if you want to be a god father of gandose see a enterprise, you better pull ur life back in from cracker jack morgage. food gorge ur self pity into exercise, at least for ur daughter. my remorse goes out to you john about the closing down of ur sons life here, but he sure does not want his dadeo john travolta to kill himself through formation of glutten and self absorbed self pity. i am ur hero for now john, ur guide mule, who is going to yank crank ur dum ass out of rumor gates of hello, john travolta, is my son offer of a god father promotion grand enough for you, to structure ur quick recovery, i heard ur son say, mark tell my fucking dad to pull his oink head out of rumple stilts skin rapture manipulation, so do it very fast, plus slow quick. honor ur witts travolta and do not let ur loving family go to rumor bill boards. ok i love you john, but not you any more if you fucking neglect bella. mark edward burnett

  29. so see side gee gees i see you did not show my last enstall mint plan for john travolta, so fax your god father a copy of it, or structure a paymint to my muel packing grim repoors. i hate you ‘p diddy and are-sin-ne-o-hall’. you two are real fucking nigars. rag ties in the end of all this, and you sure won’t have a crib once my nigar plank man finishes popping ur idiot rag head luggage and hangs you out for spot remove all. you two nigars are ass grass grinch fuck faces. i wish you two nigars would of never been born. and there are more nigars just like you two in hollywood and out side of hollywood, but you fuck faces are letting your color frame blood brothers get posioned, and the thing of it is , you have money expense to help one out for sure, i see him every day, so i sentence you pp diddy and aresineohall to my nigar down below, on his his plank walk finishing scale, pop goes ur wizzel. dumb ass hole nigars. and you cannot buy your way out of this one boys. your undertaker has just judged and juggled sentence against the both of you fraud dupe punk niggars. mark edward burnett, abalowneun sky walker fuck faces. i bought your exacutioner some ribs tonite, pp diddy and aresineolhall. hall of dead nigar rag ass fame conclusion. sleep spooked you two pout faces nigars.

  30. the thing about posionus sycotropic drugs is nassa is backing this rotten business, when i find out who the distributors are, watch out. i have already talked to the head pharmacist of FDA, lee lockwood, on the sea side of east coast, i explained what was going on and he said he was sure the whole world would want too read my book. the bad thing about this posion park business rag weeds is they are not going to be your fucking escape goats, so you bought into a house of ill-repute plus buisiness of illegal sin-dic-cay-shun. if i were any of you fuckers supporting this unlawful establishment, i sure would not venture off on a marry travel marmalaid vacation, anywhere. you will be placed at my younger brothers lunardock of orbit troyed, for our weighing puposes in our hear after dumb assholes. and all you fuckers needed to prescribe was phenabarbatal. with low doses of librium, or and ativan, maybe some use of sodium nebatol, and secondal for violent emotions, or just bury these dum ass shit bags in cold grave yards. i am going to level with you, i am being forced to involuntary take a nigar ass posion, and i am not skitsowphrenea,. so this makes me very unhappy, so i am using my freedom of print speech therapy nego-she-a-shun, hosea-ha,,species [negotiate] this ass holes, they are forcing me to because i luv younger than young girls, fuck faces. out of diaper stages, nigars. under lord reconning tym is here connie stevens, are you related to district attorney, now a fuck face judge, trevor stevens. he is the fucker who got me side tied for 11 mother fucking years, connie stevens. and pamela anderson, are you related to a fat fuck x state trooper, bob anderson, he is the s.o.b who illegally opened my mail from my cartel partners in bogata colombia. bob asked me is this how you always get your christmas mail. then judge thomas schulz, said mr burnett i never met or known anybody with a international connection. and the thing of it is dumb fuckers if you have used our cocain, and let me swing out for ur self rite-chi-ass fundamental life style and knew you had posion park to back you dumb fuckers up, to fuck me off even more, you forgot of true worship love of partnership bonds between me and bogata’s baddest cocain cartel. you dum mut fuckers. you fuckers are going down to my princess of cocain seeded pergatories. and in do have more than one. eco plantoid germination. you will not escape it either. video exito, iv leagues, vine of letting you live or giving you a terrible life ending. root hallow. our faggot marshell turf trap of cocain hydrocloride. dum asses, no matter how much coke i have coaxed into my glove life, i never wanted to break weak and fuck ball another man in the ass or let him suck my dick nigars. my partners of south american sister and brother hood would of had me skinned out if i had done this to thier high arkey trust. you see how powerfull we are established now connie stevens, pamela anderson, and we can tread trace you fuckers anywhere exsistance resides. so be ware when you purchase your next bag of duff cocain hydrocloride, from any dealer out side of freedom. marijuana needs legalized, so does cocain, and so does opiates. it can all be controlled and maintained as perfect legal buisness tender and management processing, perfect negotiations. spell my manner for your biggest ring leader, here it is i am not happy hollywood and jim carrie.

  31. now my close, sin gar dee , you ungrateful lieing nigar bitch homo basturdeeeez, shit and piss bags. sleep snooze for a dollar full of fist gravey death, gravity. dark now, audioss my real luvers and too my enemies go fuck yourselves. mark edward burnett, not d.o,a yet or chemical labodamized.

  32. satellite double edu, check in janet, makers markit,,,et.,, thy dish of dream breeding. shana twain said she only has sex when she procre-ates… what ingreede-unt.. yunnel exploring… cartoon relic of davey anf goliuth. remeber that relgious cartoon.

  33. okay, ho ho hi ho, it is off to school we all go. i have a bla bla, enviornment surronding me. i also have a crummy virus flu maybe. bla. now i concentrate on this. tresspassing. neck trap. i have a label installed. i call my enemies, treppadures. [supper rapeo pedafileurs. a kiskuman snd gadington.] i am not going to be doing too much tonite except rest.

  34. i snoozed for a while. i have a scratche throat. took two allergy pills and 3 ibphrofen. ib-pro-fun, is one of the best medicines made for many reliefs, if you do not abuse it and do not swallow it on a empty stomach. i do have a real knowledge on pharmacuitical results.

    ]]]]….””..,,<<>>[treppadure = pa’s [n] ma’s, = [issue] rude trap doors for repentance. if i had a real chimo grape cock, i would fall through one of these trap doors. if i fannasize of a 4 or 5 year old girl, [and believe me, i do] i go unpunished. because of my real luv. my integraty of pure realizum of reality verse into pear-raw-gone, peach preach teach payday virgin pussy statehood taste, pride, and dedications decisional proofs, profit vera-yeah ho 40.#lbs’ cocain measures’.. [this is a no no noon pussy contest, of battle of her buldge] [or who has the biggest mining cock bullshit], or [monopoly pride], [taller the scale limit of illegal reign growth]. ordained principals say-so apply for me because i have been watched by everyones species galaxy treign, moms’,dads’, [kaul-law-ma-zoos’ creators], /\example, mr. and mrs. magoo\ all of our creators above and below, gods, cartoon procreationors, devil enterprise, satin, looseawfir, and highly honored ordained hoseaa species’ elders of alpha and omayga genders’, and our very own real undertakers’, [and they are not 4 corner square] and probably all of you one way or another, ect ect ect. so all of you know of my tender god giving luv and snuggeling, cudduling live fannasee of care, and believe me when i say, if i ever even forced a fannasee, i would have too pay our purple majestease’s, own pied piper, my own jeanie legacy. and me my self and i, wood grow roots sum where else. [g-rape…= gorilla fannasee war fair rape. [which leads into nasty undisipelled edu. manners’,zero interpatations’ fore [my..our] poor virgin girls,,,, [example, shame=guilt]. what ungodly side a virgin girl gets too choose from. [these 2 example examination]. an apple has no sides does it, unless you cut it to perfection of manipulation, meaning our virgin girls are given no freedom of her own choice. [wether she wants to make cocktails for everyone, i hope not. or [safe[lee/] pluck her table hymin blood manners. myself i do not believe in a cocktail for reunions’ = down graid low life cale taker loosers’of audience down under bullshit]. [private, and very whole sum with their own mother plucking, witness love, substance-u-ating = into a no hate sindrom of jealousy yolk. a decent sentfull census family holiday gathering. instead of kidnaps or hey little girl sneak over here little girl so i can [main-gaul] you. [universaul sickness]. one will be given a ded grave end 4 this kind of reclusion of abomination. [who do they want to shair their propriatourship adomination virgin hymin blood with is realitys known hypocrasee of this. [not propaganda] their choice] if i get left out, then they will eventualy have to hire me on for retroactive collections’, against all you dumb ass holes who pretend and fabaleen make believe power and false control. i really do not want to be left out of their holiday thrived virgin pluck experience drink share, a very gracious love offering and choice giving from virgin girls and their moms’ thank you. [dads’ have zero to no say so]. [and just the same, i nor my family or any of my lovers’, will ever have too endure anybodies rude overcast of false ass death meal services, of anybodies secret death wish illegal pergatories of cain and ables last meal tym table ending.] i will be able 2 afford homeless girls some where else. what color of grapes do you all eat. learn to disipel ur spell bound disipline with mood altenating food ingreediunts. this is a junk box knowledge [praw-fa-see 45 caliber kay-shun = ded vaction, that needs to be installed]…[and i am just ur mother fucker to provide this relief].. all of us need to know and self learn, for teaching of reguards too alpha’s no-no cheating. [food ingreediunts]. omayga’s, becareful how you [mix and stir ur food]. if you know you are supply-ing a purpose ambush, morning or p.m. sabatauge, you better be in [bojacs, iv league’s, love,luv formation]. any hungry person, could eat from the table of a fool. [researched from our bib law bibles] not even knowing they are shairing food from a ko-patic company predator of rot structure against your entire ancestree-all, owl wise inheiratance. hier arkey. do i want to procreate just to have subjects under me to feed to a no gain deplishun pergatory, no. [give me my 45 caliber chamber-made, blammer jammer back] and we will fix finish all propaganga, at least here in U.S.A., and let me roost my self with [nigar-is-um] of real ded open and covered dirt holes,…[let me drop these unwanted scroungey ass mother fuckers dea ded = fda smart. or have them moved into a empty miliatary big-ga-blow-caid. then we can pick and choose gun target hoildays’… and i will site inn for all of us…i am not though holier better than you. nay ,,,, but i do know how i want to see bodies of red fluid drain dy away. 44magnum real reality dirty harry and let me worry about our hear after… [now, we all should equal a part-us-is-zum in a haramony of work, substained, edu. control, equal knowledge gain, for recreational excerise of security, protection, to results’ of four going sirvival, survival, evolutions equatateaz’, formulaws'[zz].. but unfortunetly we all do not have my same loving standards of luv or full filling real established capitoll ded grave endings and live 2 ded punishments. and if you want 2 begin with me, use my 357 mag..or 50 cale check caliber.. syurp does not give you enough privilages just too sirvive. see reason of seasons’ silent food preperation of virgin girls hymin pluck shair holy holidays, with no [razor lies].. {fuck you peer reep pours’ posion pressures’…..none of you speak, walk, or talk, say-so for me. i crank out my own yak for my self..exercise 2. oko keep smooth everyone, groovy of being real bad and reel good hobo braw 2.. luving care from mark, and most likly hate too. meb…sos.. [shell fish ness is not instinct] when do i get to ded drop these loosers intoo our threshing dirt ground apple sirface open colorfull grave announcements””… rapture rezirections”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’

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