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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It was just revealed that British actor Stephen Fry, 57, plans to marry his 27 year old boyfriend Elliott Spencer. He was bombarded by congratulations and happy messages of approval, and expressed some surprise at the response. That got us thinking- would a straight man marrying a WOMAN thirty years younger be as celebrated? Or would he be criticized? Imagine if a famous WOMAN announced that she was marrying a 30 years younger man! She would be LAMBASTED! Is a big age difference more acceptable for gays than straights? WHY? What do YOU think?

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Anonymous

    I don’t see anything wrong with it.

  2. Dee Cee

    Another idiot .. blah

  3. Philberto Cardenez

    What a disgrace

  4. anonTWO

    as the saying goes, there is no fool like an old fool.

    This guy is gonna get his pockets turned out by that kid.

    he’s wasting his money!

    sex doesnt cost that much!

  5. Georgie

    30 years difference is definitely gross, no matter who or what. And I agree with Palermo. These unions are usually for money and/or fame.

  6. Susan C

    He saw himself a sugar daddy and wants to get paid. He probably have himself a hottie on the side and wants to have money to live the life. Perv Stephen make sure you get a pre-nup because you will need it in a couple of years.

  7. imgeorgewill3

    It’s because we are living in a world where everyone is afraid of offending someone or a group of people so we stay silent on everything.

  8. libby

    add the word “to” as well

  9. libby

    “attracted to” was left out of my original post…I just woke up haven’t had my coffee yet…sorry about that

  10. libby

    left out the word my post above…sorry about that

  11. libby

    strom, paedophiles are sexually children because they have not gone through puberty yet…your remark has nothing to do with this story

  12. Palermo

    It’s almost always for the money. Period. Nobody really prefers tired people with wrinkled skin and saggy everything. Truth. Is anyone going to believe Hugh Hefner’s granddaughter wife really sexually desires him. Please.

  13. Emily

    We all know how this is going to end and it’s not going to be pretty. Alec Baldwin is almost 30 years older than the awful famewhore he now proudly calls his bride.

  14. pinkandyellowroses

    I find it suspicious that the younger of the relationship are really attracted and interested in the older but I am cynical.

  15. Strom

    So many gays escaped the pedo handle because of the gay agenda and coverup.

  16. Pit bull LOVER

    the guy is 27
    this is NOT pedo material
    2 is
    7 is
    27? nope.

  17. xyz

    Disgusting pedophile. Go make some research and u will see Im rite.

  18. John

    I think 30 years is much too big a difference–gay, straight, what have you. There is no reproduction question in this case but emotionally and physically, it’s just too big a gap to overcome.

  19. mister baja

    at this age: NO