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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#russellbrand #janetcharlton

The girl watching Russell Brand walk to his yoga class can barely contain her giggles. It’s 85 degrees in Los Angeles and Russell is wearing a leather coat over a sweater, wool hat, and yes again, LEG WARMERS with his flip flops. Katy Perry would scream! Apparently Russell is out to attract the lithe yoga girls and figures this outfit will make him look like an irresistible “sensitive yoga guy.”

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Denise

    Hey Strom: “Forward”.

  2. Sabra

    Let Russell be Russell.

  3. strom

  4. Jenny

    @ Linton,
    Good one. I’ve long suspected the same. Pippa St Poseur is a better name.

    RB may be a wanker but at least politically he is intelligent and shows some cognitive skills. Unlike many other celebs who dress equally as horrible but spend thousands on designer garbage and lead a far more consumptive lifestyle than he.

  5. Bongo

    OMG!!! I saw him on the street and gave him a dollar thinking he was homeless.

  6. linton

    he’s a wanker but not a chav, and you know it, bloody liar.

    you’re the chav wiv tha fake name, prob in Alabama, living a triple wide. Pippa Martin St. Bullshit. you’re a faux brit and we know it , oi oi oi.

    av off mwamby twat

  7. mish mash

    He looks like he smells like luncheon meat. Never have understood his celebrity.

  8. Steve Canyon

    you are surprised?
    well, american F*GGOTS like it this way.


  9. Kitty

    There is nothing that could make this creepy Manson look alike attractive!

  10. Pippa Martin-St. Onge

    Deported from the UK. Thank God #chav