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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

It’s funny that two of the men least likely to go to the gym are wearing track suits in New York. (Are track suits to the 2000’s what polyester leisure suits were to the 1970’s?) Casually clad Snoop Dogg ran into equally casual Russell Crowe outside the Letterman show – he’s promoting his new album Doggumentary Music. Snoop’s black socks and slides are especially amusing. Whether either of them appeared on the show dressed like this is not known.

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  1. Teddy

    It looks like casual friday at the senior center. Both need to up their game a bit.

  2. SebastianCanada

    Russell does say American women are fat, but his boobs are still bigger than theirs.

  3. Patrick

    Cal. sorry, no excuse.
    Like his name though.
    Where’s that fat Rita anyway?

  4. wim


  5. cal

    Patrick Russell was born in NZ, not Australia.

    He now resides in Oz… and they are welcome to him.

  6. Sal Mineo's zipper squirrel

    Together they make a perfect 10!

  7. Bettye Bluejay

    Crowe said American women are fat? That’s the kettle calling all the pots names.

  8. Lenny

    moviefan, you got snot coming out of your nose.

  9. strom

    Stupid and boring story….this is much better:

  10. Patrick

    Russell, my some kind cousin.
    Too bad his ancestors landed with ankle scars.

  11. SebastianCanada

    moviefan, it is great that you found the chance to comment on this post. We know how busy you must be making sure your posters are still sticking, writing fan letters to Tom Cruise and John Travolta (telling them what butch macho men they are) and running errands for your mom.

  12. Palermo

    This site seems obsessed with people dressing up 24/7, ala Dita the Stripper. In the real world sometimes people wear comfortable clothing, especially in casual California. Janet is stuck back in the 50s Hollywood scene apparently.

  13. moviefan

    Wow, there are surely a lot of sour, pissy people in the world, I guess gossip sites were created to give them an outlet.

    Of course they did not wear the track suits on Letterman, Janet, you know that darn well. A lot of guests wear comfy clothing to the show and then dress there. Crowe wore an Armani suit & tie, so stick it you pissy people.

  14. Indy

    Crowe always strikes me as feeling superior to everybody else. He is not the least bit interesting or news-worthy until he throws one of his famous tantrums.

  15. XYZ

    Funny expressions, funny outfits, funny guys…

  16. SebastianCanada

    Pippa London, LOL!!! Chavs…OLD chavs!

  17. Bettye Bluejay

    Two dirtbags needing desperately to get clean in the shower.

  18. Pippa-London

    Those blokes are chav. I just threw up in my mouth

  19. Fabu

    lol… I think they need Scott Disick (is that how ya spell it?) to dress em! 😛

  20. Walt Cliff

    Chunky Crowe is looking fluffier & bigger than ever. He had the nerve to sat American women are too fat. They might be but it isn’t a smart thing to say as an entertainer of sorts.

  21. Muffin

    Looks like they both got into
    “Snoop’s Special Stash” before this photo was taken!!