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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Recently Slash of Guns N Roses talked about catching his mother naked with David Bowie. It brought back memories because his late mother Ola Hudson used to be a customer in the store called The Garment District that we owned on Sunset Strip in the early 70’s. Ola was a delightful and fashionable black woman with distinct “rich-hippie” style. She was very connected and made clothes for rock stars and shopped for them as well. Often Ola brought her cute little boy Saul (Slash) along. She dressed David Bowie for some of his most important tours and evidently they had an affair. It all makes sense. David always appreciated smart black women. Back in those days, David was rather pan-sexual and seemed to like both sexes. Later he admitted her preferred the company of women. One thing we DO remember- Slash had a really nice mother.

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  1. Jackie

    I’m with Vienna. Making clear she was a BLACK woman was so unecessary…

  2. icon package

    I think, that you commit an error. I suggest it to discuss.

    P.S. Please review icons

  3. Frankly I Dont Give A Damn

    I take it to mean she was a drug dealer being well connected. Which would explain some things.

    Wasn’t Slash’s second wife a hooker who has openly talked about her past. He has certainly been open about drugs drinking etc. Ive always felt sorry for their kids.

  4. Strom

    Title should have been:


  5. Noblecascade

    ugh, do all children think Mom never has sex?

  6. margie

    Great story, Janet. We need more of them on this site.

  7. jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    David Bowie looks so happy and thank goodness for another child in his life and it really good way to blend the blood lines together and create family togetherness and it is so good they are both reaching there peak and doing what ever there little hearts fancy and love and enjoy to the biggest degree ever.

  8. Vienna

    “Ola was a delightful and fashionable black woman”… was it necessary to mention her race?
    “Ola was a delightful and fashionable woman” would have been just fine.

  9. Strom

    RIP Ola!

  10. jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    Good for Slash seeing his creative mother at work..Thank God she went down that path and learn something wonderful that day about his mother but yes playing the field and having fun with the man of your dreams and having a hit and run and some fun would not and could not hurt anyone but David seems really happy know and he has found his true blue mate that makes him happy and gives him love that puts him on top of the world and…He looks really happy and at peace and on top of the world and no one can stop that ever and seeing him with his lovely wife and she is so beautiful and of course throw life you have to learn and gather understanding for what is going to make your future and that is love at first sight but what is nice about this pictures is that his family is by his side and that is something that need to be treasured and it seems like me that he has wonderful true and loving and kind people around him that love him and think the world of him and it is nice to see there lovely little daughter and seeing them all together and having a wonderful time and got to see Davie Bowies mother and seeing the smile on her face is great and also…Memories are only made once and that it is a time that will happen again but best wish to his family and friends and for all the people who have passed as far as Slash’s mother…She gave David a taste of what is to come in the future…But David loves black woman great..Because I am a Black woman who loves white boys..Yummy.

  11. walt cliff

    She passed away in 2009 of lung cancer. She was only 62.

  12. yoyo

    He’s one helluva guitarist. Although, he hasn’t been with GNR for over a decade. Long live rock n roll.

  13. Kitty


  14. Denise

    Janet you use the past tense when you refer to his mother. Has she passed on?

    Amazing that the hat can contain all that hair he has.

  15. Strom

    No one is Strom but Strom!

    Don’t see too much in common between David’s two women

    Ola looks drunk or drugged out in this picture. Slash just looks ghetto.

  16. walt cliff

    Is Strom and Janet the same person???

  17. Strom

    Haaha, who knows but the chances are she also wasn’t the neighborhood virgin!

  18. brownH0rnet

    @David Bowtie:

    “She was very connected and made clothes for rock stars and shopped for them as well.”

    Where the hell does your ignorant ass get “groupie” from the above sentence??

  19. Strom

    true….but mom doesn’t turn heads any more!

  20. David Bowtie

    In other words, Slash’s mom was a groupie. How nice.

  21. Cleo

    I love this story, Janet; you’ve had a heckuva career. Cute pix of Slash and mom too. Yay that he had a Social Dis tee on.

  22. baja

    just be thankfull, PEOPLE WITH ALZHEIMER HAVEN’T!!