Why are these Dr Martens dead rock star ads causing such an uproar? We think using dead rockers lounging in heaven in their Doc Martens is a brilliant idea. Offensive? These guys- Joe Strummer, Sid Vicious, Joey Ramone, and Kurt Cobain, THRIVED on being offensive when they were alive. That’s why we loved them. And they DID wear Doc Martens. The ads simply state “Dr Martens. Forever.” What’s so offensive about THAT? Granted, Cobain’s widow Courtney Love is disgruntled because British copyright laws who’t allow her to collect any money for this. THAT’s why she griped that the ad was in bad taste. We are really steamed at the cowardly Doc Martens CEO, David Suddens, who caved in to Love and GROVELED and apologized for his “tasteless” blunder, and pulled the ads. Then he FIRED the ad agency (Saatchi & Saatchi London) responsible for this brilliant campaign. What’s WRONG with these Dr Martens people?
Bastard Machine
Thrived on being offensive? Name one thing that Joey Ramone ever did that was offensive.
Everyone just needs to calm down and stop being so greedy. Everyone loves to celebrate dead celebrities over and over again, especially before and after the grave! To get an idea of what i’m saying check out this website i work with You’ll laugh your ass off at the connection to this ad!
I agree with the previous poster who said using dead celebs isn’t right because who knows if they would’ve agreed? The problem is that today’s celebs sell-out too fast, thus making their images worth less to an advertiser. None of these people ever endorsed anything to my knowledge, which is the true spirit of rock. You’re what someone once called called Liz Smith, Janet (except you lack her credibility and knowledge): a whacky, tacky, flacky.
The ad is grotesque.
I think they should have used dead stars like,anna nicole,George Burns,Bob Hope,Princess Diana.People that never wore those ugly lesbian goth boots.Now that would have been funny
Janet, I agree that the ad is quite clever and the dead rockers would likely approve it. However, it’s all about $$$ here and the bottom line is that Doc Martens got something for nothing and that’s theft. They will sell more shoes and they did it using images that they did pay for.
Why do they show Sid in the heavens? Didn’t he murder his girl friend?
Where he is he would need fire proof Docs!!!!
I wear Doc Martens and see nothing wrong with the ads. They’re great – the company should use them.
Janet, your lack of common sense scares me.
ANY ad, i.e. Audrey Hepburn, Frank Sinatra, etc., with a deceased celebrity is in bad taste because they DID NOT decide to be in the ad. The whole thing is gross.
Let’s face it, who cares about the other two. You only need Joe Strummer and Sid Vicious in this ad.
Shame on the cowardly CEO for ditching this ad.
Long live DMs
Actually, Janet, if you did your research, you would know that Joey Ramone’s brother, executor of his estate, is unhappy not only because no permission was granted to use Joey’s image, but that Joey NEVER wore Dr. Marten’s boots. Homework time!!!
Actually, Janet, if you did your research, you would know that Joey Ramone’s brother, executor of his estate, is unhappy not only because no permission was granted to use Joey’s image, but that Joey NEVER wore Dr. Marten’s boots. Homework time!!!
Actually, Janet, if you did your research, you would know that Joey Ramone’s brother, executor of his estate, is unhappy not only because no permission was granted to use Joey’s image, but that Joey NEVER wore Dr. Marten’s boots. Homework time!!!