Who would have guessed that “Dancing With The Stars” partners Shannon Elizabeth,35, and Derek Hough, 24, would still be together a year later? Certainly not In Touch magazine, which claimed the couple admitted their romance was faked to earn audience votes. In fact, Derek moved in with Shannon while they were competing and never left. Above, the playful pair shopped for household items in Target where they bought towels, closet fixtures and a welcome mat.

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  1. Oh yes, Derek and his sister are staunch, pure-as-the-driven-snow Mormons who wouldn’t think of living together or doing anything (ahem) until marriage. Right !!!! Sister Julianne was caught on a balcony in Vegas french-kissing the rather boring looking country singer, Chuck Wicks. Yeah, Derek and Julianne, just keep making your prudish Mormon beliefs available to the gullible general public. We’ll buy it, or will we.

  2. If they marry, she will have to carry him over the thresh-hold. She looks about the same weight as him, he’s so tiny.

  3. I guess this is what it means by A COUGAR. 11 years difference.

  4. They are a great couple–so good-looking & seem to have so much fun together! IDK about Julianne, but I have never heard Derek say he was Mormon. He lived in London with the Ballas family from age 12-22 so I would hardly say he had a Mormon upbringing. He has not professed these values so why condemn him for living with Shannon.

  5. Enter this into the computer: “Religion of Derek Hough”. Click the second heading and it states he IS a Mormon. For those who don’t know, Mormons believe in salvation by keeping good works. that is…no cursing, drugs, drinking, dancing, stealing, lying, fornication, etc. As you know, no human can constantly live up to this; therefore fornication seems to be the rule he broke. I think you are kicked out after so many breaches of the laws; it is very strict.


  7. It looks like you can get some good pictures inside of Target. Cute couple. I remember when they were on the show. If they are happy, good for them.

  8. I heard with my own ears Julianne Hough say that they were Mormons. It is evident that they are not practicing Mormons. I, too, saw the video (from Access Hollywood) of Julianne kissing Chuck Wicks in their HOTEL ROOM balcony in LasVegas. Mormon law specifically forbids living together. That’s all I know for sure. Finis

  9. Shannon Elizabeth and Derek Hough look very happy together. They have been together for over a year. Good for them!

  10. Derek was born to Mormon parents & one would assume spent the first few yrs of in life being raised in that faith. However, he did not live with his parents after age 11 or 12 What, if any, religion he is now; I don’t think he’s said. Don’t believe something just because it’s on the internet . . . there’s a lot of misinformation out there. (Derek also drinks & dances!)

  11. “Mormons believe in salvation by keeping good works. that is…no cursing, drugs, drinking, dancing, stealing, lying, fornication, etc. As you know, no human can constantly live up to this”
    “I, too, saw the video (from Access Hollywood) of Julianne kissing Chuck Wicks in their HOTEL ROOM balcony in LasVegas. Mormon law specifically forbids living together.”

    I’m sorry to break your bubbles, but cursing, stealing, lying, and sex out of marriage are not okay by any Christian religion. And yet there seem to be a lot of Christians around lying, cursing, stealing and fornicating?!? Drugs are illegal.

    Being a Mormon doesn’t necessarily define everything about one’s life. I don’t know about dancing, but the Osmonds dance. The Houghs are both dancers, so if dancing is against their rules, then clearly they have made conscious non-Mormon choices.

  12. That’s why I think Mormons are so confused: they stay terrified.

  13. It is not against the Mormon religion to dance. BYU, the Mormon University in Provo, Utah have a wonderful dance troupes that travel the world.

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