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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


What were those Jeep executives thinking when they pulled Bruce Springsteen’s Super bowl Jeep ad from YouTube and admonished his behavior so QUICKLY? Talk about cancel culture. Springsteen is a national icon and deserves time and fair consideration. The DWI arrest situation seems to be more a matter of opinion than actual facts so far. At the very least, Bruce deserves to be found guilty BEFORE he is condemned. He is not Marilyn Manson.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Haim

    Im sure he employs an army of Jewish lawyers

  2. becca

    There isn’t a chance in hell any car company will have an ad with someone arrested for drunk driving!
    The cops said his speech was slurred & he couldn’t walk enough steps in the field procedure.
    It’s only a rumor he blew .02 on a breathalyzer.
    More importantly, how was this kept quiet for 10 weeks?

  3. Daisy

    totally agree Janet!

  4. Paula

    He sucks!!!!