Maybe for the first time, we agree 100% with Sean Penn. He has no regrets about the Green Card joke he made at the Oscars and doesn’t care what people think. At the Oscars, when Sean opened the Best Picture envelope he wise cracked “Who gave this son of a bitch his green card?” referring to the winner – his longtime Mexican born friend Alejandro Inarritu. Alejandro thought it was hilarious but SOME people thought the joke was in bad taste. In California, people DO joke about green cards a lot, but not necessarily in a bad way. Alejandro was not insulted and implied he pokes fun of Sean too. Later Sean said he had no patience with anyone too stupid or xenophobic to see the irony in his comment, and we have to agree.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Carlos Danger
Funny how a socialist democrat can say such a thing and get away with it. Had someone who is a free thinking and rational non democrat said such a thing, his career in Hollyweird would be over. It’s time for a Spring revolution to rid ourselves of these leftist elites.
just because she is pretty on the outside does not mean she is not seedy on the inside tho
i have a friend whose cousin is her assistant and said she is super cool AND generous….paid for a family members medical expenses….
but yeeeah beautiful tho
sick of those j’adore dior commercials
they’d be better if she did not speak at all…..
ps penn rocks one of America;s BEST actors…. try hurly burly u turn she’s so lovely carlitos way…..
Are white people the only ones racist???? Every ethnic group is racist – did u know that?
Janet's Filthy Wig
I agree that this was just a joke on penns part, but when this message comes from janet, it just smells a little racist considering her track record around here. We get it janet, you’re pro white and Asian, any other races or fat people don’t deserve your respect.
Agree 100%. So tired of all the political correctness. There really is no freedom of speech left in the U.S. anymore these days. Everyone is beyond hypersensitive and so easily offended.
mister baja
be honest: where would this country be without the help of those mexiacans today?
she is so pretty and he is so seedy looking