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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Not surprised that the CW series Katy Keene was canceled – maybe they should have thought about hiring WOMEN to write for the female oriented show instead of only MEN! Male writers rarely create believable female characters. We remember discovering the Katy Keene comic book as a kid and it was SO exciting to find a comic about a young, glamorous – and ambitious, career woman. (Comic books were almost exclusively about males) Tall and beautiful Katy aspired to be a model and fashion designer, and boyfriends didn’t get in her way. Readers were encouraged to send in their own designs for her clothing and the best creations and winners’ names appeared in the magazine. The comic would have been WAY better if it had been produced by women, and it’s too bad that MEN were given the job of creating Katy onscreen…

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  1. Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?

    Very bizarre post. Don’t know where to start