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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This is a whole new world for Cory Booker and he wants to remember the moment with a selfie. Cory’s girlfriend Rosario Dawson is one of the stars of Zombieland Double Tap and she brought him to the premier in Westwood. The New Jersey Senator/ Presidential hopeful and the actress have been together for about six months and seem to be in awe of each other. Rosario has never looked better…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Hilary A Grant

    One reason I love Mayor Pete is because he is out and proud. (His husband Chasten is terrific, too) So, yup, this is one of those contract relationships. I, too, wish he would just come out. Being in the closet has to be exhausting.

  2. Buttgig is out why not u

    If gay is ok why doesn’t this clown come out of the closet? Is he ashamed?

  3. Randy

    She is not his girlfriend. Mayor Pete might be but Rosario Dawson. NOT!!

  4. Janet is a liar

    Janet is as disingenuous as they come. She is part of the fake news gossip media. She knows that this guy is as flaming as flaming hot Cheetos but thinks she can fool us with this garbage post. Janet is garbage and is as fake as her dyed hair.

  5. pickupyoursocks

    Yes, but Booker is a LIBERAL, gay politician, so it’s perfectly acceptable for him to lie about who he really is; leaning oh-so-far to the left politically shields him from any criticism by Hollywood or the media. If journalists would actually investigate and report the news, as opposed to offering personal opinion as fact, the headlines we see everyday would be very different.

  6. January Magro-Ortiz

    A disgusting politician

  7. Beachy

    Oh my! He’s gay. This is a contract relationship.

    Just another politician living and promoting lies.

    Oh well, he hasn’t a snowballs chance in hell of winning

  8. Toby Flenderson


    Janet, you’re a stitch!