Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

We caught Rob Lowe walking in Beverly Hills the other day and we find it hard to believe this man is 43 years old. He looks more like 28. It’s been 24 years since he appeared in The Outsiders with Tom Cruise. Look at that flawless skin and hair. Great pigment. Also, he looks unusually CLEAN – at least compared to a lot of guys.

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22 thoughts on “ROB LOWE: STILL A PRETTY BOY

  1. I heart Rob Lowe since the early 80’s.
    He does look amazing. A little fruity though.?

  2. yes, very pretty.
    all american good looks.
    much prettier than his schlubby wife.

  3. Wish the other “Hollywood types” would follow his lead and dress well, bathe, and get haircuts. Even his personal life seems to be exemplary these days. Good for him!

  4. He does look great and youre right, CLEAN. But he’s also shot full of Botox, I hate to break it to you.

  5. I’d like to dirty him up !! Yum yum give me some.

  6. Whoever said he’s a big Republication…get your facts straight. He’s a big-time left-wing liberal, like most of Hollywood. Hard for me to get over that sex tape he made with an underage girl when he was attending the Atlanta Democratic Convention…that was a long time ago, but still fresh in my mind.

  7. Yum, super yum, who cares if he’s a Republican. I got something he can talk to.

  8. I always liked his brother, Chad, better, but in a pinch I guess he’ll do. He does bring the pretty, though. Not much to debate there.

  9. Speaking of clean, that’s Mr. Clean behind him.

  10. Well his wife IS a make-up artist! She probably has him on a serious skin regemin!

  11. “Lettuce Prey”, Lol. That was funny about Mr. Clean. You’re right! That person behind him looks just like Mr. Clean. Lol.

  12. Hes a republican you fucking moron.He was at the republican convention and supported both bushes,pull yer head out of yer asshole

  13. If he is a Republican, he just got even hotter!
    I heard he was a big liberal(busted at the Dem. convention), but has finally seen the light or grew a brain.

  14. Reoublicans are REAL men…liberals and Democrats are little faggots who hate America and those brave men and women who defend it.
    Republicans….thank God…is what makes this country great

  15. Reoublicans are REAL men…liberals and Democrats are little faggots who hate America and those brave men and women who defend it.
    Republicans….thank God…is what makes this country great

  16. Reoublicans are REAL men…liberals and Democrats are little faggots who hate America and those brave men and women who defend it.
    Republicans….thank God…is what makes this country great

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