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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Nowadays when tourists want to get a glimpse of celerities, they don’t have to get on a bus that tours celebrity homes. They can just join the strikers outside film studio offices in New York or Hollywood. Richard Gere turned a lot of heads in NYC when he  put on his sneakers and joined the march outside Netflix and Warner Bros offices. Big names are a great help in stimulating sympathy for the strikers. Unfortunately in Hollywood SO many businesses and people are suffering financially from the strike, that it’s becoming scary…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Jay

    The kings and queens of Hollywood never starve. It’s the little people who get squeezed all so that the kings and queens can get more $ in the future.

  2. Newbiw

    That looks like Sarah Jessica Parker standing next to him.

  3. pippa

    How dehumanizing. Multi Millionaires striking while millions starve. Welcome to America