It’s Oprah Winfrey to the rescue! Prince Harry is headed to London for his father, King Charles’ coronation, but the spare royal isn’t planning to stick around. An insider reveals that Harry was having trouble finding commercial flights that worked with his desired schedule, so his good pal and Montecito, California neighbor Oprah offered him her private jet! Now Harry plans to leave just in time to make the coronation and he’ll return hours after his dad is officially crowned King to celebrate his son’s birthday. The insider says it Harry’s entire round trip including travel time will be less than 72 hours!
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
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She wants another interview after the coronation.
Harry has no windsor blood. That’s why he was ejected by the Brits
He’ll be giving another interview, one hand washes the other.
Kind of looks like O s sucking Harry’s former Royal D.
It is totally sickening how Oprah sucks up to these white trash individuals. Why can’t she just enjoy her money and shut up and relax with Gayle. No one wants to see her anymore.
Oprah is obviously looking for some inside information on the coronation from Harold…..there is no free lunch. So, basically, Harold is selling out his family again for filthy lucre
Is this site for Meegain positive support…my post got rejected
That old fat cow should just keep her ugly mouth shut, except to pleasure Gayle
Harry took a commercial American Airlines flight to arrive in the UK on Friday ahead of the coronation. He flew in from Los Angeles on American Airlines flight AA136.