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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Paris Jackson is asserting her independence now that she’s turned eighteen, but continues to worry her family members. She’s set to inherit millions from her father’s estate but shows no interest in continuing her education. Her older brother Prince is an A student now in college. BOYS BOYS BOYS are what she’s interested in these days and she’s picking up lots of habits from her punk musician boyfriend, Michael Snoddy, 26. Tattoos, piercings, combat boots and Mohawk haircut for starters, along with a “who cares?” attitude. She posted happy photos of herself and her man out of town for the weekend.

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  1. America is sick

    She, like Bobbi Christina, is not long for this world.

  2. Frankie

    What impresses me is that they’re both wearing seat belts!

  3. red bull racing

    CALL ME, paris.

    (or meet me in Barcelona)

  4. Larrissa

    This girl may be mentally ill and should not be mocked

  5. Miss Eva

    What a shame to see such a beautiful girl go down the tubes like this. She looks so cheap now.

  6. kelly

    why care? even if she blows through the immediate inheritance (whatever that is) there will always be residual income from her father’s music.

  7. red bull racing

    no doubt…………..I’M A FAN!!