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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Pamela Anderson is in London performing onstage as the Genie in “Aladdin” and this is how she was dressed as she left a London club at 3 AM. It appears she’s been getting some fashion tips from her friend Vivienne Westwood and the veiled hat is rather sexy and flattering. It’s refreshing to see Pamela dressing up and looking stylish.

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  1. mom to five

    Too bad she’s not a lady…….

  2. ganjagirl

    there’s a whole lotta hep under that hat.

  3. umm...

    She’s stunning, I like this look on her. Hell, she’d be sexy and gorgeous wearing a brown paper bag.

  4. Reta

    It would have been nice if she would have taken the time to brush her hair before going out. This looks like she just got screwed! Well, come to think of it, she probably DID!!

  5. LadyBug

    She looks very pretty

  6. dee cee

    The dress was probaly slit up to the tail bone in back and she needs more dangly veil to cover her hideous mouth.

  7. L'il Off Broadway

    A little late to start cleaning up, as she has an abiding bad reputation.

  8. captain america

    sorry but we are already used to her “PROSTITUTE-ACTIVITIES”.
    …………..not folks?

  9. Etienne

    One: “Ladylike” and “Pam Anderson” are not allowed in the same sentence because one has nothing to do with the other.

    Two: You spelled “Aladdin” wrong.

  10. Helena Handbasket

    OMG. We haven’t seen Pamela look so.. so… DRESSED… in years!

    Nice to see her making an effort. If this is the result, she should spend lots more time with VW in the future!