Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Debbie Harry, 66, has managed to continue recording and touring since her punk icon days with Blondie back in the 70’s. In those days every girl wanted to look like her. We like her platinum hair – she’s pictured here chatting with fans at a Marc Jacobs event in the West Village.

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  1. With the exception of her “wrestling” days, I have always loved Debbie Harry. Funny picture here, looks like she’s going to autograph the chihuahua’s head.

    Oh Strom, who hasn’t snorted coke and slept with a basketball player?

  2. Strom’s obsession with Morgan Freeman is beginning to make me jealous.

  3. One of the greatest shows I’ve seen.
    1991, The Escape From New York Tour.
    Tom Tom Club, Blondie and the great Ramones!

  4. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n says:

    Debbie Harry looks great for her age and has given so much to the world as far as Disco Music and other types of music to the world and she still look amazing?

  5. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n says:

    Her Music stands on its own and she has paid the price and she is a major role model to up and coming woman all over the world and…That sweet little cute doggie with its little nose and little toes and little lips, Blip, Blip, Blip just a little baby doggie.

  6. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n says:

    Her Music moved the world and make you want to dance your ass off and…Number one hits all over the world and she is always going to be loved and woman all over the world had followed her direction in life..She will be apart of are History forever and ever.

  7. Casonia——- do tell us more my petals—-pls don’t be offended when i tell you that you remind me of former queen, Reta. I quess certain strong woman have a lot in common.

  8. Casonia—– did you get my note about needing a recipe for chili or something with hamburger beef in it.

  9. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    Yes I Love Chili, Beef and tomatos,White onion,garlic,parsley,veggie broth,roasted red peppers,cumin,mexican green spice cilatro,pepper, red beans,tomato paste,brown sugar,paprike,cyan,celery,secret other spices added but let it cook together and allow the fat to stay in it until the end and then remove it off the top.

  10. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen says:

    A strong woman is a woman that has lived life and has gone throw massive amount of history and gather understanding and…In knowing about the right direction and the wrong direction to go in life.

  11. Casonia..Hells kitchen is hard to watch for many americans and people are not used to hearing that type of talk and it hurts there sweet little hearts..Elisa please mess up next week! Paul rise like cream to the top and blast there ass out of the sky? says:

    This woman can sing her ass off and really make you want to jump out of your seat and start dancing…Her little dog is so little and cute.

  12. She’s amazing, so talented, and a decent, kind hearted person as well.

  13. Casonia...Hells kitchen is about learning and respecting his food and putting a smile on his face and keeping him calm! Old team 80% New team 97%Pathic and Sad..Second chance and screwed it up Big Team! Old team should had known better! says:

    She has helped woman in so many ways and has put her heart and soul and talent into her music and has given us all something that holds today class!

  14. By Patrick
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky made it clear when he was posting as Rick his mission was to troll this site because of what he believes to be Janet’s allowance of racism by some posters. He then came back as Mel Zipskin among others. He now posts as Nicky and is stringing along Casonia for kicks.
    Just ignore the troll. It is a small troll.”

    I don’t anyone named Rick or Mel. I have never claimed to be either of those people.

    I am nice to Casonia because I was ashamed at how hateful I had become to her because I didn’t understand her. I noticed one evening that no one had a single kind thing to say to her. Nothing. I know that I am not a saint but I could certainly do better than I was doing. What is the harm in a kind word? Instead of berating someone with harsh things ….why not ask how they are or commend them when they say something that egos your views. ???


    By Taffy Davenport
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky, sweetie. Time to change your tampon hon. It wasn’t meant to last the WHOLE week.”

    -What does that even mean? Why would you say something like that to me? Is this someone’s idea of cleverness?

    Please just move on. Thank you so very much.

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