Natalie Portman is one smart cookie when it comes to keeping her love life under wraps. She makes sure that she’s seen in public with various guys and protests being photographed with them. Naturally people assume these are romances. Natalie was photographed in New York with Jake Gyllenhaal on what LOOKED like a date, but actually they’re just friends. This week she was “reluctantly” photographed in the UK with a British billionaire Nat Rothschild, and the papers there made a big deal out of her “new boyfriend.” But she didn’t fool us. We know she’s still crazy about cute Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal, and he’s quietly been her REAL and ONLY boyfriend for quite awhile. Gael speaks four languages, so he’s quite a good match for the Harvard educated Portman.

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16 thoughts on “ONE AND ONLY

  1. adorable. thank goodness for her–young, smart, classy and talented. a rare breed in hollywood these days.

  2. The British millionaire’s name is Nat Portman? Do you read this stuff before you submit it?

  3. Funny, I wondered about the ‘Nat Portman’ thing too. I love Gael, he’s so gorgeous. You go girl!

  4. I like Natalie and Gael and I hope they last!
    I thought her and Jake were just friends, even when people were jumping on the ‘dating’ bandwagon. It seems to me that they all keep their real business private while fooling the press and public.

  5. Gael is not “cute”, he is HOT!!!! I think he’s the hottest and most intense actor around today! I can’t wait to see Babel! Natalie’s one lucky woman. She’d better hang on to him!

  6. I doubt a Jewish girl — and Portman is sooo Jewish — is thinking too seriously about anything long-tern with some Mexican guy.
    The “British” Billionaire, on the other hand….

  7. “I doubt a Jewish girl — and Portman is sooo Jewish — is thinking too seriously about anything long-tern with some Mexican guy.”
    Just because your racist doesn’t mean everyone else is too.

  8. He’s ok. And she’s alright. Both are above average actors. Other than that they’re so not interesting..who’s losing sleep if they are dating that those two need to be worried about keeping their dating private?

  9. He’s ok. And she’s alright. Both are above average actors. Other than that they’re so not interesting..who’s losing sleep if they are dating that those two need to be worried about keeping their dating private?

  10. I think she jumps thru too many hoops to protect her privacy considering no one really cares.

  11. Jewish people tend to stick with Jewish people. I agree with the poster who said Natalie may be playing around with a Mexican, but she’ll never be serious with one. Call me racist, but that’s how it works.

  12. Most of my jewish friends married non-jews. That’s a pile of crap.

  13. “Call me racist, but that’s how it works”
    For a RACIST that’s how it works. So that makes you a racist and an idiot.
    Now go wash your white hood dear you have mud all over it.

  14. I know quite a few Mexican Jews and many are very prominent in Mexico. You really show your ignorance. You need some education not all Mexicans or Mexican-Americans are gang members or tomato pickers. Gael is not “some Mexican guy” he’s a giant talent and all-round cutie pie.

  15. I say we need a full frontal close-up shot of Gael to positively determine if he was born in the faith or not. 😉

  16. Jake seems destined to be every girls best-friend and that’s a shame. On the other hand, Natalie could do much worse than Gael.

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