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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD

On and Off

This on and off couple finds it hard to call it quits because they have a lot in common. They both LOVE being famous and enjoy having photographers document their activities. Since they both have a history of substance abuse, they TRY to stay away from temptation. But the most important factor that has kept them together is SEX and plenty of it. They both have herpes so they can freely indulge in unprotected sex with each other with no repercussions. When they go out with OTHER people, they have to be careful!

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  1. strom

    The CDC reports that BLACK women have and spread herpes….so the answer oould be any one of them!

  2. Anonymous

    paris and that greek guy

  3. Dulcinea

    Just because you seem camera-shy doesn’t mean you don’t want the attention! It’s definitely Jude Law and Sienna Miller.

  4. jrex

    Sienna Miller doesn’t court the publicity- she is known to attack photographers at times. Posh and Becks are not on and off.

  5. Anonymous

    Kate and Pete. But I’m not altogether convinced that you don’t make up these blind items…..

  6. Anonymous

    Kate Moss and Peter Doherty!!!!!

  7. Jolie

    Jude and Sienna

  8. Paris

    Clearly Lohan and Morton

  9. Anonymous

    kate moss and pete doherty

  10. cuntyfuck

    Jakey & Mcconagay!

  11. Anonymous

    There are too many possibilities. Way too many.

  12. malou

    kate moss & pete doherty

  13. Anonymous

    John Travolta and Tom Cruise.

  14. Anonymous

    nicole richie and dj am.

  15. Anonymous

    Could you change this now please Janet? There must be a billion blind items out there.

  16. Anonymous

    paris hilton and that stavros dude

  17. Kasey

    i think its kate and pete also.

  18. Anonymous

    kate and orlando. who guesses kurt and courtney, hello he is dead.
    god this site is lame.

  19. Anonymous

    Jude Law and Sienna Miller

  20. Anonymous

    Posh & Becks?

  21. Anonymous


  22. Smitty

    Jack Nicholson and Lara Flynn Boyle?

  23. Nancy

    Justin T. and Cameron D.

  24. Anonymous

    Kurt and Cuntney?

  25. Anonymous

    Kermit and Miss piggy without a doubt

  26. Nicola

    Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock.

  27. Nicola

    Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock.

  28. Caren

    Dave Navarro and Carment Electra?

  29. Anonymous

    kate moss and pete doherty

  30. Helen

    How about Orlando Bloom and Kate Bosworth?

  31. Anonymous

    Jude Law and Sienna Miller.

  32. Anonymous

    Maybe Nicole…did Paris have a substance problem…but I know Brody Jenner did and so did Nicole…..perhaps that’s it? Whitney and Bobby too obvious (I’m not sure they “stay away” from anything)…I don’t think Pamela had any problems….

  33. Anonymous

    Definitely Parasite and her greek boyfriend. They’re always on and off and it’s been reported that she has herpes.

  34. Chelsea

    Hasta be Bill and Hillary Clinton

  35. Anonymous

    Kate Moss and her boyfriend (can’t remember his name).

  36. Anonymous

    has to be either lindsay blohan and harry morton or brandon davis and parasite hilton

  37. Anonymous

    Whitney & Bobby

  38. Anonymous

    Pamela Anderson & Kid Rock???
    Sorry, I’m lousy at these.