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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Interesting to note that there are no exes or females weeping at the death of Burt Reynolds, despite the fact that he considered himself one of the hottest commodities ever to bless Hollywood. For years we covered the macho actor’s antics for Star Magazine and every year he became more unlikable. Literally every woman he either dated or married left the relationship despising him. Burt was the epitome of the egocentric and egotistical 1970’s man – women were good for one thing. Now reporters are cornering his exes for comments about his death and they have nothing nice to say – the best they can come up with is “We’ll miss his sense of humor…”
(It’s also odd that there are no photos of Burt with his adult son Quinton)

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Tinker

    I don’t think you understand what this site is all about. This isn’t Catholic news; it’s a gossip column. If Janet were all sweetness and smiles, no one would be here now reading her posts…now or ever.

  2. Giuliana de Pandi Rancid

    Agree with Janet on this one, and Sally’s VERY circumspect response to his death is a major clue. Burt called her the “love of his life”–the one that got away, while Sally seems quietly grateful to have dodged a bullet!

    Their breakup was said to be BAD, with something egregious that Burt did as the cause.

    Meanwhile, nothing but crickets from Loni. She’s probably relieved that she finally got the last of her alimony $$$ before Burt shuffled off; much easier that way, as she won’t have to demand anything from his estate, which is likely to be complicated.

    Burt wrote in his autobiography that he never even LIKED Loni, and didn’t know why he married her. His take on her apparent pathological need to spend and acquire sounds about the same as Aristotle Onassis’s loathing of Jacqueline Kennedy, toward the bitter end.

    Still, we’ll miss Burt. He was hugely entertaining–and gave great value over the years. His dad–“Big Burt”–lived to be 95. It would have been nice if Reynolds could have had a similar run.

  3. Miz Busybody

    I just remember when Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood shared the cover of Time Magazine as the biggest stars in the world. Clint had a long and flourishing career and Burt did less and less. He probably did have a lot of faults but he was a very engaging in interviews.

  4. Shelly

    There is nothing worse than disparaging a Man on the same day as his death. janet is sickening

  5. clarence


  6. Fiji

    He was a pig. I won’t miss him one bit.