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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Meghan Markle interviewed Mariah Carey for her podcast Archetypes, and the conversation was lighthearted until Mariah casually remarked “You give us diva moments sometimes, Meghan.” Meghan looked horrified and asked “How can you say that?” – NOT the reaction Mariah was looking for. Meghan continued “What kind of diva moments do I give you?” Mariah hastened to explain that it was a COMPLIMENT – due to Meghan’s VISUAL appeal- her beauty, gorgeous ensembles, and glamorous life. “You have everything going for you!” Mariah observed. Meghan thought it over and decided that Mariah meant well, but there are decidedly different ways of interpreting the word diva. The dictionary defines the word diva as a “difficult, temperamental, and demanding person.” For some reason, Mariah connects the word to glamour and success. After this, will she still be flattered when people call HER a diva?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Wilson

    Likely both are divas. However, only one of them has talent.

  2. emmy

    markle is a bitch, and deserves no publicity, she should go to hell

  3. Pippa

    In the UK , Markle is despised for craving money and fame. She destroyed the Royal family and isolated Harry from seeing his half brother Wills.