Nicole Richie was juggling the invitation list to her wedding until the last minute because she wanted to sell the photo rights for top dollar. Big celebrities bring more money. Nicole’s people were pitting the weeklies against each other to get the best offer. (Keep in mind she took a paparazzi to court recently to keep him away from her family.) When Kim Kardashian and Christina Aguilera both couldn’t attend, the photo price went DOWN, but Nicole still didn’t weaken and invite her frenemy Paris Hilton. Apparently Paris wouldn’t have upped the value of wedding photos. Instead Nicole arranged to have an elephant at the event.

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  1. The only thing Paris Hilton “ups” these days is the need for STD testing.

  2. Sadly, someone filled said elephant with Taco Bell and Swiss Kriss before the happy event.

  3. Everyone unfortunate enough to be sitting in the first four rows at the ceremony was left soaked—and furious.

    A class action suit was filed on their behalf before the reception.

  4. Paris Hilton is so 3 years ago. Nobody gives a shit about her anymore including her childhood best friend!!

  5. this will tell the folks why there is again a very cheap wedding in hollywood:

  6. Wim. I agree.
    You know, you could probably be President of that cuntry some day.

  7. Paris Hilton is what, only 23, and already irrelevant. Paris needs to do something fast to save her career.

  8. Who is even interestd in seeing pictures of their wedding? I can’t believe gossip rags would purchase them. I hope this greedy couple plans to donate the money to charity (doubtful).

  9. Paris is not 23, she’s almost 30. Wasn’t she a changed woman after her five minutes in prison, vowing to come out and do good things and help others? hahaha

    Loved the elephant comment above, I agree, this marriage will not last either. Hubby sounds like a cheater and another immature one like the Arquette loser.

  10. Seriously, Joel Madden must be half retarded because when he talks or even when you look at him his one side of his face doesn’t move… He married a chick who is a heroin addict, gets knocked up twice (on purpose).. Good Job Nicole for trapping a retard,

    Congrats to the happy couple.. a retard and heroin whore.

  11. If Paris couldn’t attend they should have just booked a coke-addicted ostrich wearing Prada.

    No one would have known the diff.

  12. David….LOL, that was so funny.

    But look out for Reta. If you say one word like retard or faggot tht she doesn’t approve of, you will get your ass chewed.

  13. (AP) Officials say that the lethal Elephantine blast which rocked the nuptials of Nicole Richie could have proved to be deadly—if the perps had added just a fraction more—one or two additional Burrito Supremes, for example—to the explosive material.

    As it was, the combination of a discount Mexican food and potent herbal laxative was frightening in its intensity, threatening to trigger a devastating mudslide at the wedding-site’s hillside estate, officials say.

    One investigator, who spoke under the condition of anonymity due to the ongoing matter, said, “What we’re dealing with here is unprecedented. These materials are cheap and readily available. This is a new kind of threat. Already we’ve been able to trace at least one Taco Bell location featuring a Dollar Value Menu, with a Thrifty Drugstore—literally right next door to it.”

    The resulting melee triggered the activation of the US Army’s elite Celebrity Shindig Terror Response Team, headquartered at the former Spahn Movie Ranch, north of Los Angeles.

    Officials say that celebrities—and their lavish, outsized events, such as the Richie wedding—represent a new potential target for evildoers.

    The White House is said to be monitoring the situation.

    And Homeland Security Czarinavitch Janet “Nappy” Napolitano is also being kept apprised of the ongoing investigation from the Administration’s Winter Palace near Phoenixgrad.

    Officials say the lingering odor, which constitutes a significant biohazard, should dissipate in a few weeks.

  14. These two are goofy and screwed up as they come. It’s obvious she has been pestering him to get hitched for at least two years, and that’s usually not a good sign for staying together for the long haul. Putting an elephant in the wedding proves it.

  15. Hmmm… not so sure about that one, Indy. Even when you factor in that they’ve got 2 rugrats, Joel Madden is NOT my idea of a catch worth “pestering” to make it legal. LOL

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