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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Nicole Richie always said that if and when she got married to Joel Madden she would do it at her adopted father Lionel Richie’s Beverly Hills house. In fact, she still spends a lot of her spare time at daddy’s place. This photo reveals that is would, indeed, be difficult to find a more beautiful place to take one’s vows. We’re particularly amused that Nicole chose not to invite her sometime friend Paris Hilton to the wedding this weekend.

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  1. Reta's Rectum

    ^^^you just can’t leave ’em alone. you were just itching to come on, huh? defending yourself on a gossip site were no one really cares, eh?

  2. Reta

    Strom: you lie. The post WAS yours. It echoes exactly previous vile spittle from your rabid orifice. You are a dead givaway to yourself just like Patrick and wim/Captain America/Gerard Vandenburg. Don’t waste you time protesting your leavings, everyone here knows your original form, so don’t bother trying to shape-shift to escape answering for what your puny “mind” has vomited out.

  3. Indy

    I think they just got married; I hope she doesn’t mind a man that strays all the time.

  4. Strom

    The last Strom post was not mine..just like the govt….I have been hacked!

  5. Reta

    elle…I told the moron that ages and ages ago. He chooses to bury his tiny head in the sand and leave his large red ass exposed. Oh, excuse me, they are one and the same.

  6. elle

    Strom dear,

    Breaking News:

    Every human being’s ancestors harken back to Africa.

    It’s in your blood Strom.

  7. Cinnabon

    it is public knowledge that Nicole Richie was the child of one of Lionel Richie’s former band mates. Lionel became her guardian when she was two years old and then later legally adopted her. I believe her biological father was latino and black -which really doesn’t matter since everyone is mixed!

    It seems like Nicole has gotten her act together (in terms of putting drugs behind her), but who really knows – hopefully, for the sake of her super two cute kids. as for the marriage, if it doesn’t last, I wouldn’t be shocked, but I wish them the best.

  8. Indy

    Sebastian, this is thrilling to see you are still progressing nicely, even though you are unaware of this. And great to see you are reading The Book of the Revelation, the only Book where the word Armageddon appears.

  9. SebastianCanada

    Wow! Strom, I just went back up to read you two recent posts. In one you then say that you thought Nicole was Lionel’s step child (rather than adopted?)

    Come on Strom, hang it up. You dropped the ball big time.

    So, remember this: you could be walking down the street and be next to one of us N-er, half-breeds, mulattoes, and not even know it. You might even think “What a pretty young lady! What an example of the beauty of the white race!” ASSHOLE!

  10. SebastianCanada

    Strom, you cannot backtrack on your posts. You assumed Nicole was not black, and therefore white. You now use the term “half-breed” to defend yourself, when we know that you consider people with any black blood BLACK.

    Admit you made a mistake, because you are really looking like a total fool at this point.

  11. Indy

    Reta, hon, I agree that Nicole has come a long way in getting clean on drugs, boozing, anorexia, etc. Only thing wrong is her heavily tattooed ‘fiance’ is still a party hearty animal. He still goes on the road with the band, ‘Good Charlotte’ with his twin bro, Benjie, and they are still going to clubs and hitting on girls. He’s been busted several times, and isn’t it funny how the wedding keeps getting postponed. He has cold feet of the first degree and she still does not trust him.

  12. Strom

    Reta’s kid is half-breed, but the nig she is shacking with will never get her in a house this size!!!!!!

  13. Strom

    I didnt know she was adopted, but you can tell she is a half-breed by her looks. But since Lionel had a white wife I thought she was from that mating (and not sure it is not). I wish her well.

  14. Reta

    Sebastian: you are correct, it is a well known fact she is adopted, as is her racial heritage. Morons who want to spew hate should do a little research before doing so, so as not to look like complete and utter idiots, which of course strom has demonstrated over and over ad nauseum that he is.

    Nicole’s hair is dyed blonde, that’s not her natural color which is dark brown. She’s come a long way, straightened herself out, gotten clean, and had a steady and domestic life for a while now. I can understand if she didn’t invite Paris Hilton because Paris is still doing drugs, and also Nicole would want to be the center of attention at HER wedding, and we all know that wherever Paris goes SHE has to have all the attention. She’d probably show up wearing a short short white dress and no underwear and hang around by the cake bending over every time a man walked by.

  15. SebastianCanada

    BTW, in terms of looks (yes she does look white, though the blond hair helps) she could be my cousin.

  16. SebastianCanada

    Uhm, Strom, the tale of Nicole’s adoption is far from a secret — it has been discussed in E! True Hollywood stories and Biography episodes among others. And — BTW — Nicole IS black (by American measures — her biological parents, or at least one of them, are distinctly “black”. You have well and truly demonstrated your ignorance now, and on all counts.

  17. Strom

    True….would be interesting to see what is the story behind adoption, if any. Does Lionel have some guilt feelings, was it done as a nice gesture, and why was he adverse to adopting a black American child when so many are lost in the system.

  18. wim

    don’t let them fool ya by the house.
    (similar as a wedding in india)

  19. SebastianCanada

    Oh, and everyone, Indy is obviously taking a poetry class at The Church of Armageddon Outta Here.

  20. SebastianCanada

    You know it is funny, I love nastiness generally, and see it round every corner (that is what gossip is all about), but I never got the sense that the press bringing up the fact that Nicole is adopted was done to be mean. It was always done in a matter-of-fact way. And neither Nicole nor Lionel and his wife have ever — to my knowledge — demonstrated any tension related to the adoptive relationship nor bristled about the adoption being mentioned.

    So, aren’t the Ritchies actually good role models for adoption? And isn’t the press — whatever it actually intentions by mentioning the adoption — just highlighting this fact?

    So, what’s the damage Heathers?

  21. Indy

    I sooo hate to sound bitchy.

    But I never liked Lionel Richie.

  22. Strom

    Lionel still have the white wife? As soon as he started making the $$$ he quickly went white didn’t he?

  23. Lenny

    Mary Claire, well put. Dad or mom is the person that’s there and adopted or even step is not something that has to be used. I believe it’s used more today than yesterday when we grew up. Biological parents aren’t always parents, sometimes in the case of the man he a sperm donor and nothing more, and the woman, she’s a incubator.

  24. Indy

    I think it was mentioned that she was adopted because many folks don’t know that she was adopted. Nic should thank her lucky stars she was brought up in such opulence getting anything and everything she wanted.

  25. Bu

    It’s not about living a lie whatsoever. It’s about the reference constantly used “adopted Father” in the press rather then just her Father or Mother…She knows she is adopted, but making it seem less then in a passive way makes adoptee’s seem disposable not like their parents are like their REAL Mother/Father etc…

  26. Mary Claire

    My chosen child ALWAYS knew he was adopted. We presented it casually, as a fact of our lives, and a natural way to enlarge your family along with childbirth. He was always taught about his heritage and taught that his Mom and Dad had different cultures, his older brother shared those cultures, and he shared his with his “Tummy Mommy”. This was presented matter of factly and naturally. He was taught to be proud of his heritage. He just hated it that people always referred to him as adopted, and would ask insensitive questions like, “, “Which one is yours?” All kids like to feel they Belong, and all kids want to fit in and not be different. When they get older they understand the nuances of family and belonging.I’m talking about small children here, and their insecurities

  27. SebastianCanada

    People always go on about references to being adopted as if it is an offense against the adopted child. Nonsense!

    Covering up/denying someone’s genetic links is an abuse of their basic rights, and perpetuates an absurd notion that bloodlines do not matter.

    In the old days a step child or adopted child was officially referred to as an in-law, because that was what they were: relatives by law.

    A family can show an adopted child all the love in the world and even drive it home in the discussion about adoption. Living a lie does the child no service.

  28. Mary Claire

    I have two sons. One is adopted, one is home grow. Our family sees no difference between them. They both have equal standing in our family. When he was younger, the one we chose, was hurt and was made to feel different when referred to as the “adopted” one. WHY do people persist in stressing the word adopted? Don’t single out our kids as anything less than OURS! It’s cruel, discriminatory, and MEAN!

  29. cal

    i agree with you Bu, why mention adoptive. He has been there for Nicole throughout her life, he is her Father/Dad regardless of genetics.

  30. Bu

    “her adopted father Lionel Richie” Why even mention “adopted”…sheesh it’s her father for God sake…what is he going to do return her?????

  31. pippa

    Nicole who? What has she done lately?