Angelina Jolie brought five of her six kids to the premier of The Externals at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood and their are TWO things of special interest in this photo: First of all, Angelina has some sort of gold metal jewelry that goes from upper lip to chin. Is it attached to her skin? A new piercing? Don’t know. What we DO know is that 15 year old Shiloh is looking a whole lot more feminine. Yes, that’s boyish Shiloh in the beige abstract dress and white flats, looking pretty. Her longer hair is up in a twist and she has just a LITTLE makeup on! This is a BIG step for a “tomboy” who wore boys clothes and wanted a boy’s name just a few years ago…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Monday, October 18, 2021
Tequila Girl
Judge much Janet?! Who cares, let the girl live her life. So what if she wanted to dress up like a boy and be called by a boy’s name. She’s not hurting you and has no impact on your life, let her be.
Not trying to be snarky but it’s “there” not “their” in the first sentence.
I will say that I think it’s inspiring to see a parent support and allow her child’s development over the years. These kids (meaning mine, too) today have a very different understanding of gender, identity, many things.
If we let them breath and find a path, while also providing stability and love, they will be better off in the long run.
Oh my
Those poor kids. Imagine their mental state. Hopefully child protection are keeping a close watch
Oh my
Those poor kids. Imagine their mental state. Hopefully child protection are keeping a close watch