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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


As usual Naomi Watts picks up her youngest son Kai, 10, and walks him home from school in Manhattan. Nobody seems to talk about the fact that Kai wears girls’ clothing and often carries a handbag. Naomi appears to be a great mom and she accepts the situation, allowing Kai to make his own decisions. Hollywood moms like Naomi, Charlize Theron, and Angelina Jolie, who openly love and support their gender-fluid children, set a good example for parents everywhere in the same position.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Dr. Phil

    It is called mental illness brought upon idiot parents who think they are doing their kids a favor. It never ends well for the kids. But, liberalism is a mental disorder and JNUT exhibits the same disorder.

  2. Beachy

    You wouldn’t know good parenting if walked right up and introduced itself to you. These kooks are raising a bunch of confused kids that will be lost among normal people. Gender fluid is a bunch of crap.

  3. Sheila

    Their Father is purported to be an agent of the mossad.

  4. Dee

    Yeah, ten year old children don’t get to make life decisions for themselves. That’s why they have parents.

  5. Nataliexyz123

    Nope. Something went wrong there with parenting.

  6. Kait

    Gender neutrality is odd. I wonder how s/he will dress when the hormones start acting up.

  7. Southern Girl

    yeah, this gender neutral thing is getting disturbing…