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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Models Gigi Hadid and her sister Bella have to be a little embarrassed by their father Mohamed Hadid, whose company declared bankruptcy this week to avoid the huge expense of tearing down this unfinished illegal mega-mansion Hadid constructed (and hoped to sell for 100 million) in Bel Air. Neighbors filed a lawsuit claiming it was unstable and illegally built (which it is) – they fear the house will slide down the hill on them. It adds up to corruption all around – Hadid should not have gotten permits. Rain is falling and neighbors are more worried than ever…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Kait

    It’s amazing how long this was allowed to go on. Now it’s amazing how slow the cleanup will be.

  2. Scorp

    Supposedly he isn’t broke and that he is hiding his money in off shore accounts. He just doesn’t want to pay for this home to get demolished. If this is true I hope that a forensic accountant gets involved.

  3. Shirley

    He sounds like a real criminal