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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Gigi and Bella Hadid’s notorious real estate tycoon father Mohamed Hadid has really put his foot in his mouth this time. For six years, Hadid has been battling the city of Los Angeles over his illegally constructed fifty million dollar Bel Air mansion. A few weeks ago he lost his last ditch appeal, and finally he must demolish the dangerously perched oversized hillside home. Hadid popped up with a claim that the city’s decision is the result of RACISM – based on his celebrity, race and religion. He also blames a complaining neighbor for making him look like a criminal. The neighbor’s lawyer says everyone involved- Hadid’s own contractors, his own structural experts, and city officials, have admitted that the mansion was built on lies and bribes – it has NOTHING to do with racism. Hadid should be aware that this is not a good time to throw around “racism” claims frivolously…

Above, Mohamed Hadid having lunch with friends in Beverly Hills

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Uglyasshouse

    An earthquake is going to topple that ugly monstrosity. God help the people below. He’s a dick.

  2. emmy

    What a piece of garbage

  3. Diva

    What a low life.

  4. Mama

    Wow, he’s really ugly on the outside too. What a pathetic narcissist.

  5. Ruebens Bareichelo

    A well known criminal