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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

“Resident Evil” actress Milla Jovovich is one of our favorites and an extraordinary beauty, so we’ll forgive her this lapse in taste. This caftan style dress reminds us of the Beverly Hills hotel wallpaper. Betty White wouldn’t be caught dead in this! Sorry Milla, there are better looking ways to be comfortable. We’d rather picture you in that Gaultier “ace bandage” outfit from The Fifth Element.

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  1. wim

    …..please go back to russia.

  2. Indy

    If it is an original by a famous designer, it is oooooh so gorgeous.

    If it is off the rack (which it looks like), it is oooooh so common and droll.

  3. Patrick

    The height of fashion moo moo.
    Can’t get em anywhere you know, Reta.

  4. Muffin top!!

    Not a fan of either but I’m certain if you looked at the label it would have been made by a very expensive designer.

  5. Lenny

    I love her also, and she is very hot.

  6. strom

    Looks like something Aretha wore for a while and cast off!

  7. Naomi

    I love Milla. And the dress isn’t so bad just a little meh. Hey, at least she isn’t flashing her crotch like most Hollywood sluts.

  8. SebastianCanada

    She takes risks — gotta give her credit for that. Still, she is so beautiful that is seems a tragedy when she is looking only half as good as she could.