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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Mickey Rourke had some unusual room service during his recent stay at The Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. He had a technician bring his equipment and transplant hair plugs on his scalp in the privacy of his own room. Maybe he doesn’t want his young Russian girlfriend back in New York to know about it.

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  1. SebastianCanada

    dee cee, I recently saw him on The Jonothan Ross show, and he behaved like a total douche, lusting after the women on the show. He is as classy as a pair of Come F**k Me boots.

  2. dee cee

    Mickey grown up.. he’s classy and nice no matter what he does..

  3. Lenny

    I don’t think I’d use the word beautiful, but maybe he was a stud. But time and everything know to man has happen to him and well just look at him.

  4. SebastianCanada

    TJF, really? Most beautiful man in Hollywood? I would concede that he was very sexy, had a great deal of animal magnetism. Hell, in 9 1/2 Week, he probably made all the gay guys, and 10 percent of the straight guys, want him. But beautiful?

  5. Palermo

    Uh Kait? I’m pretty sure he’s not reading this and getting all hurt by it

  6. TJF

    Give the guy a break…he is a brilliant actor, like up there with de Niro and always has been.

    In the eighties, Mickey was the most beautiful man in Hollywood. Ok, now he isn’t so pretty, but he has a great body and hey, I hear he’s hung like a jury!

  7. Teddy

    Mickey used to be HOT. I have this feeling now that the only thing we have in common is our rare distain for reality TV. I imagine that he spends most of his time running (with his little dogs) from ANYthing that smacks of reality TV. This is just my illusion. I have no actual evidence. LOL

  8. Kait

    Don’t judge. Altering one’s appearance is the rule, not the exception these days. Whatever he wants to do is fine. He’s probably quite aware that some of his old augmentation attempts haven’t worked out as well as he’d hoped. No need for you to rub his nose in it.

  9. SebastianCanada

    People go on about his plastic surgery, but I doubt he would have looked much better without it. Some people — in part because of their ethinicity — do not age well, particularly if they lived hard. Mickey’s Irish origins have not helped him any.

  10. Palermo

    He needs a lot more hair so he can grow it to cover that hideous face that he ruined with surgery

  11. Denise

    I for one am glad to see Mickey is back. He should however, button up that shirt.

  12. Natalie

    That is one disgusting dude and poster child for plastic surgery gone wrong.

  13. Bettye Bluejay

    Mickey’s classing himself up, the jacket and shirt are beautiful and look like Japanese tech fabric.

  14. dimes

    Is he dating Helen Keller? How stupid is his girlfriend if she wouldn’t notice he had more hair all of a sudden? C’mon, Janet. I’m sure by now she’s seen him without the wig.

  15. SebastianCanada

    wim, LOL! That was where he was transfering it from.

  16. wim

    there is enough around his AN*S, folks?