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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Overnight the Most Hated Man in Hollywood has redeemed himself! (Somewhat) Mark Wahlberg proved how he earned that Forbes title Most Overpaid Actor. Little did he know when he pocketed 1.5 million for reshoots for All the Money in the World that the paycheck would come back to haunt him. The movie’s star Michelle Williams did the reshoots for less than $1000 and the director assumed that everyone volunteered to work the reshoots free. When the news leaked that Wahlberg (whose contribution to the movie is debatable) was SO overpaid – both he, and the talent agency representing BOTH Mark and Michelle, looked REALLY BAD. Frightened lawyers announced today that Mark is donating his $1.5 million to the Time’s Up fund in Michelle Williams’ name and the talent agency is donating half a million in her name. Smart move.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. shaygirl

    Women are making themselves look so stupid. Poor Wahlberg neutered to make women feel better about themselves. Michelle Williams signed the contract. Are you now telling us women are to stupid they can’t be responsible for themselves? Big step BACKWARDS girls.

  2. producer

    ………..what the use of a dildo can do to ya.

  3. Bill

    Where is there a list or a special page here on this website of all the ladies Harvey came in contact with. And it’d be great if everybody could leave their two cents worth about the actress and if Harvey never came in contact with them – where would they be today?

    Just know, if you create such a list and input page – we’ll your server may not be able to handle all the traffic.

  4. BooBixby

    Janet has twisted thinking. Wahlberg looked bad but WILLIAMS DID NOT.

    In fact, you are the only one that I have read who has said or written that.

  5. susieserb

    What Harvey W said

  6. BooBixby

    I meant “male” actor ! lol

  7. BooBixby

    I never miss a Michelle Williams movie. She is pure talent and quite beautiful in a tiny package.

    She holds her own against any mail actor. Plus, there are so many short male actors (5′ 8 inches and below) that she makes them look easily look six feet tall.

  8. Mare-y

    I’ve never seen Walhberg in anything but I know he beat up one guy and almost killed him and put the eye out of an Asian man due to his deep racism and small mindedness. I’ve seen everything Michelle does. Just because he puts a contribution in her name doesn’t mean he doesn’t still get the tax deduction. He’s a creep.

  9. Israel Rabinowitz

    I never quite got the people drooling over Williams . She is average looking and a middle of the road actress

  10. Harvey W.

    Never fails to amaze me just how vapid JNUT is. In Hollywood –and in life — you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. Obviously, Mark’s team knows how to negotiate. Williams’ team doesn’t or cant for one big reason that Janet purposely FAILS to mention. People go see Mark in his movies. NO ONE goes to see Michelle in a movie. It is why she doesn’t headline any movie. Maybe JNUT will one day get that through her airhead.