Instead of lapsing into a vegetative state, it’s not a bad idea to do some of those things you’ve been putting off that take time. We are halfway through Michelle Obama’s book, and already we like her so much more. Growing up in a lower middle class home on the south side of Chicago and ending up at Princeton University and Harvard Law School is no easy feat. Michelle documents her amazing success with honesty and a complete lack of ego. Her story is personal and inspiring for all women. Her description of the man destined to become her husband – his flaws and attributes- makes him even more appealing. We strongly recommend this book if you haven’t read it, and after you finish it, pass it on to your daughter…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Excellent comments.
Frank Sheeran
What do Jnut and Barry have in common? Both have had multiple kawks in their recktums!
She is a commie fraud and Bathhouse Barry was a totally incompent fool in the White House.
The “truth” they tell is not truth. Perhaps do your homework, Janet, instead of parroting the socialist/commies who are a gauch and disgusting class of traitors.
I much prefer the various videos demonstrating that Big Mike – Barry called him “Michael” – twice, in public, on two different occasions, so who am I not to follow suit – has, shall we say, “equipment” south of the border.
Michael needs to just go away.
Sonny Corleone
People are sick enough Janet dear