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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We can’t help but wonder if those designers who haughtily announced they are NOT interested in dressing First Lady Melania Trump, are having second thoughts. Tom Ford led the pack and was followed by the likes of Zac Posen, Derek Lam, Marc Jacobs etc. Should they punish Melania for her husband’s politics? She is probably the most photogenic First Lady in the world and will be constantly under scrutiny. Will these hard-nose designers soften up or are they afraid to appear to be Trump supporters? An interesting dilemma.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Jason Lee

    Good post guys!

  2. Klais

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  3. EdnaMae

    Her husband is the devil.

  4. Margaret Mc Cray art teacher

    Haters gonna hate.

  5. Rhonda

    dolce and Gabbana

  6. Rhonda

    She always looks stunning, so good for her not going with those losers. she always is beautiful in ralph Lauren and dolce and cabana.

  7. susieserb


  8. Papa Don't Preach

    Trust me, she’s just sitting back waiting for the ball to drop and then she can file for divorce from that fat orange pig she calls a ‘john’ er, I mean a husband. She and Baron will flee just as soon as they can, and unless she’s “dealt with” (if you get my drift) she’ll make out like a bandit.

    The one I’m sorry for is that poor child Baron. Saddled with Trump as a father who has actually called his youngest son a “retard” within earshot of others. That child will grow up to hate that putrid man, if he doesn’t already. He looks seriously depressed.

  9. lippp

    \Well, she could wear from the Ivanka collectiion. At least, shoes. And since Ivanka’s company has been served with a law suit for copying other designer’s footwear, Melania should feel very compfortable knowing she is once again doing what she feels most comfortable doing. Plagerizing and copy from others.

    And does this woman have a personality? She squints and tries to smile, but doesn’t seem very happy. But then she does have to sleep with Trump so that would make anyone eternally squint. Its a defense mechanism, I guess.

  10. Daggers

    She should put on a disguise and enjoy a day of shopping incognito. Many of the off-the-rack clothes at stores such as Macy’s and JC Penney look as good or better than dresses with designer names which cost thousands; clothes designed by ‘big names’ do not necessarily mean they look great.

  11. Bonnie

    What a shameful, disgraceful people the adults have become in our country, that are just adding fuel to the fire of hatred with our actions and words. Everybody’s right and nobody’s wrong. What examples as role models are we setting for our future generations of young people?

  12. babsie

    Let the top fashion designers of Russia have honors of dressing her.

  13. beachy

    At 48, I figured she was old enough to dress herself. But…

    She is a classy dresser in her own right. Just another pious attempt by the lefties to ridicule anyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow ideas.

  14. tagg

    Oh Stranger, HRC beat Trump in the Popular vote. If the two Independents didnt run we would have HRC in the WH right now and not making America a joke. Trump won 3 swing states by less than the combined votes of Stein and Johnson in each state. Those voters would have voted HRC over Trump any day if only two choices on the ballet…

  15. babees

    dont blame her, BLAME HER MAN.

  16. Papa Don't Preach

    First Lady of the evening is more like it.

  17. Hilary

    I agree with Tagg! But Janet, I don’t agree with you on this: she is NOT the First Lady. She is FLOTUS in name ONLY and has made it clear that she is NOT moving to the White House anytime soon. I don’t think she will move at all. This is shameful. Obviously, she didn’t expect her husband to win and they seemed not to have discussed what would happen re: her First Lady duties if he did win. Meanwhile, we taxpayers will continue to finance her life in the Golden Penthouse. She likes it that way. And yes, there is more than a bit of murkiness in her past. We both know some well-known actresses who were once escorts; it wouldn’t surprise me if she is a member of this club as well.

  18. dan dan

    Would these designers dress an Eastern European prostitute? I don’t think so. That is why they won’t dress the first “lady.”

  19. tagg

    Sweetie…she’s married to a billionaire…she can afford to dress herself and pay for any outfit she wants!~

  20. Collin

    The left are the real fascists. They want to destroy anyone who doesn’t agree with them. The time will come when these leftist fascists will have karma knocking on their door.

  21. noblecascade

    this would be a good time for her to discover brand new designers. Give them a break, since these established ones are full of themselves.