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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’re not saying times are tough for her, but Melania Trump isn’t above cleaning out closets for some extra spending money. Through the years, Melania was given a generous clothing allowance by her husband Donald, and now she has storage units packed with clothes she’ll probably never wear again. According to our source, Melania has been consigning her designer castoffs to various resale shops in Palm Beach, Florida, and making a small fortune in the process. Even though her husband has questionable taste when it comes to HIS clothing, former model Melania (she’s 5’11”) has a sophisticated eye for quality clothes. But don’t get too excited -you’ll never know if you score any of Melania’s wardrobe. The stores sign a strict NDA and are prohibited from revealing she was the former owner.


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA



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  1. Anka P

    I here too Melania is near Novo Mesto in converted war bunker

  2. Mootcka-Slovene eGosips

    I read in internet browsing that Melania has not been seen in America for months.
    Her and Barron living near to Novo Mesto in Slovenia. In forested area in an old world war two bunker underground.

    Many storys also say Barron who just turn 18 still been breastfed by Melania and her assistant as he has genetics abbnormality