Photo Credit: Splash News
Mel Gibson has been keeping his distance from Hollywood since the news broke about his divorce. A photographer found him taking a solitary walk on the beach outside his home in Costa Rica. Girls named Oksana have been popping out of the woodwork, some claiming to be his girlfriend, others denying they had a romance. Mel probably doesn’t even remember exactly who’s who.
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Mel could care less. He isn’t in love with his soon to be ex any longer. He will stil have around 400 million, even after the split. Plus whats left of his reputation. Then there is all that hot tail he is nailing. Life aint all bad for mel.
Crazy out the eyes, because he is crazy.
I’m amazed that he hasn’t been diagnosed with lung cancer, as much as smokes. Add that bad habit to alcoholism, and you have a pretty crappy health situation. I wish him luck, and hope he doesn’t get stupid and waste what’s left of his life with multiple women and add a venereal disease to his list. That would truly be the trifecta. The man needs rehab NOW. Maybe he should have a heart to heart with Craig Ferguson. He’s been very public with his alcoholism, and could maybe give Mel some good tips for a clean life.
The Passion of Christ, Mel needs to think deeply and ask himself when he is old and grey, what was more important in his life, the bottle or his children? The little boy in Mel needs to grow up and be a man.
Mel’s happy face is because his toupee didn’t fly off in the wind.
^^^^ha ha.. yes, and an unattractive hair piece it is too.
The man builds his own church but doesn’t seem to follow any of the preachings of his religion, like adultery is a sin
I am glad his wife finally wanted to divorce him. He will be having a hard time finding some acting to make a movie because of his poor behavior. I don’t think no one in Hollywood doesn’t want to hire him what he has been doing lately.
Wow, you people do me proud. Here is an exceptional actor who could not keep his messy life out of the public’s eye. At least he has 400 millions (after the wipeout) and has no need to sell his mansions to pay off the wife like Dylan McDermott who also abandoned his wife. Mel is a broken man. He is (was) a devout Catholic and he knows he has screwed up in a major way. It won’t be long before he moves on from the current gal. I hope you are using industrial strength protection Mel cause these days gals know how to punch the ticket, no pun intended.
I’m sure now: THIS MAN NEEDS HELP, folks!!
Have you seen a picture of the woman mel is doing? She is unbelievable. She has one of the nicest a$$es I have ever seen. No wonder he is so happy.
The money-grubber slut’s nice ass will be just a fond memory when the heathen shakes hands with Satan and embarks on eternity in the lake of fire.
You tell him Celeste!
He has definitely gone nuts. Booze and broads have done him in. He looks like he belongs in someone’s attic on the third floor looking out between the bars (or in a state mental ward).
At least he is no faggot or lesbo. He is having a time and the kids are not doing without. Braveheart.
God he got ugly and fat!
And crazy.
Oksana is just Mel’s flavor of the month. Let her get sick or unable to ‘perform’ and the hot-shot is on to his next conquest.
Oh, you know the cougar hotline is burning up the wires.
let me tell you that I am sorry for being so slow, slow is the only pace I apply unless it’s extreme slow pace. I have been building a portfolio. Any luck with seeing the end of the in box? I think it’ll be another 8 years before I can go on a holiday again. Until then I am chained to my desk. It was 1995? It’s now 2009? so look for me on a beach in 2015. Murphy’s Law. Holiday once every 2 decades. So 6 more years!!! By then I’ll be ok.
No one is ever happy about ending a relationship with some one you though you where going to spend the rest of your life with!