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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


NOW we know why Mariah Carey suddenly confessed to being bi-polar! She usually likes to perpetuate her glamorous image, so telling the truth is a novelty. Fact is, she had NO CHOICE- her former manager and CLOSE confidant for three years, Stella Bulochnikov, just filed a breach of contract lawsuit, and Mariah is afraid Stella will tell ALL! Most interesting is the fact that behind the scenes, Mariah’s choreographer boyfriend Bryan Tanaka was very competitive with Stella for Mariah’s attention and HE quietly helped orchestrate her departure! Since Stella was fired, Bryan has been running Mariah’s life. (And helping her walk in high heels.) Now Stella is hinting that she might reveal many lurid details about Mariah’s personal life (including substance abuse) if the lawsuit isn’t settled to her satisfaction. We can hardly wait!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. willy

    ………her vagina.

  2. It’s Me Again!

    Leave bipolar people alone! Don’t kick someone when they’re down.

    I hope mariah gets all skinny and kicks Stella in the teeth and she makes another hit album.

  3. Felicha

    Tenaka the ‘bf’ is a well known homosexual in WeHo.