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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


In her latest video,(‘I Don’t”) Mariah Carey took great pleasure in setting fire to the $250,000 custom Valentino wedding gown that she planned to wear in her cancelled wedding to James Packer. TMZ validated that it was the SAME gown she tried on during an episode of her reality show. The colossal act of self-indulgence was obviously a snarky message for Packer. We wonder WHY Mariah didn’t take this opportunity to AUCTION OFF the expensive unwanted gown and give the money to charity!! Same message – and Mariah could certainly USE some good publicity for herself.

Photo credit: E!

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  1. libby

    agree 100% to all the posts above me….mariah is so selfish

  2. Papa Don't Preach

    She didn’t auction it off because she’s a pea brained cretinous self indulgent fool.

  3. Strom

    She is a hog!

  4. Allison

    She could have auctioned it off and given the money to her DYING sister. My God this woman is disgusting. She’s the most self centered person I have ever seen. I hope her career tanks, it should because she can’t sing to save her life.

  5. popey

    a diva doesnt care for the job & homeless.

  6. shelly

    She is only interested in peeling dollar bills out of poor people’s wallets.

  7. Collin

    Pariah Carey is a selfish c_u_n_t. Everyone knows this. Too bad she didn’t catch on fire herself.