Mariah Carey seems to be the only one really showing off in Hollywood lately and it’s surprising because she used to be so private. But having a reality show AND being jilted by a billionaire CAN make one more outgoing and self-aggrandizing. Mariah stopped by the Kardashians favorite Epione clinic (we predict bigger lips in her future) and afterward went shopping in Beverly Hills. In the course of the day she changed clothes THREE times so one might assume there were cameras on her. She continued her act of calculated narcissism into an expensive shoe salon where she REFUSED TO LIFT A FINGER. While she sipped wine, AN EMPLOYEE KNELT AND FASTENED THE SHOES she was interested in on her feet. Maybe her velvet biker jacket was so tight she couldn’t lean over…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Bad photo of her. Her face is very round and she looks lipless. Even her teeth look too tiny.
Loved her voice in the early days.
Dr. Phil
Why is her face so dam fat? Is she smuggling walnuts in her cheeks or something?
Papa you nailed it
Papa Don't Preach
She seems to be a stereotypical brainless celebrity who was once on top, but whose career has now fallen precipitously. She thinks she has to appear outrageous and “starlike” to the masses in order to get their attention back. She doesn’t understand that many of her former fans have moved on. They grown up and their tastes have matured and frankly they’re tired of her ridiculous displays. She remains in her own little fantasy world, unable to see the trees for the forest.
I predict she’ll end up another Norma Desmond, old and delusional, constantly thinking she’s about to make a big comeback.
what a pig
dan dan
Does Mariah Carey have any fans left? Seriously, who would watch her in a reality show?
her feet are to smmelly yet………….
James Packer looks better every day.
Like a festering open sore
india moon
i cannot stand this thing. she doesn’t want to do ANYTHING for her own self. if she could have an employee take a shit for her she would…. she’s disgusting.
and she dresses like a hooker. what the hell is wrong with her? yes carey we know you have breasts….you just can’t keep them inside any of your whore clothes.
jesus i need to calm down or i will have a stroke over some stupid bitch like her. deep breaths. and a klonopin.