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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Mariah Carey
has been under the radar lately and her disgruntled former manager Stella Bulochnikov might have something to do with it. If you watched Carey’s lame reality TV series Mariah’s World, you are quite familiar Stella, who produced the show, and worked as Mariah’s manager and confidante for three years. Bossy Stella wears more makeup than Mariah, and she was always glued to Mariah’s side and involved in every aspect of her life. In other words, she knows EVERYTHING. Stella was outraged when Mariah fired her and she announced plans to file a lawsuit for commissions she claims are owed to her and the suit will spell out many of Mariah’s embarrassing secrets including drug abuse, love life, and weird habits. We’re guessing a settlement will shut her up, but we’d love to hear all those details!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. zero

    Oh geez, maybe as part of the settlement she can get that horrible christmas song banned from any airplay…

  2. clarence

    ………you ever wondered how fat her upper legs are?

  3. Awww hell nawwww

    Of course I’d like to hear the juicy details too, but I wish a judge would through the book at Stella, she clearly was preying on someone who was ill. I’m sure that’s why Mariah came out publicly admitting she had some sort of bipolar disorder. There should be some sort of law protecting someone that is sick from someone evil and manipulative like Stella. Stella needs to be behind bars for taking advantage of Mariah, due to Mariah’s illness.

  4. Shelly

    I can’t think of anyone I know that is interested in this vacuous woman .