Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Prince William and Kate Middleton were photographed leaving a charity event at Albert Hall and Kate continues to endear herself to the Brits because she wore a moderately priced frock from Zara. No surprise – the dress immediately sold out online. Even Madonna, who was quite an outrageous dresser when she was Kate’s age, says she is a fan. Madonna gave her something of a back-handed compliment when she said “She developed a style and stuck with it whether people were interested or not. I admire her individuality.”
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Erica K.
Poor Strom, it’s not about he BLACKS, err I mean Posters ….
Hilary's Duff
Madonna is pure unadulterated filth. I’m sure Kate has no time to think about her.
Lovely dress on a classy girl…Madonna’s back handed compliment just shows her jealousy and lack of class. Cant stand her…she really is a bitch.
Madonna isn’t in the same “league” as Kate. She will always be the “girl from Detroit” with no “breeding” and all the money in the world will never change that fact. She is one of those people that no matter how many bath’s they take they still look “greasy”.
She can scrub and scrub and count her millions but she knows……greeezzzzy
Strom the topic is middeltin but u got young dumb black cocks soley on your mind…. Hmmm
The queen must have eaten all the princess that died of car accidents because she is still alive, kickin and holding on to that tiara. Middelton is only being cautious. Just because they invited her loser exboyfriend only shows how dumb but wicked they are. Why crave to want to be in a gang of killers and stealers.
Madonna was one of the first to really GO BLACK and has selected from the various colors of the rainbows for her partners. J Lo went BLACK early with BLACK Puffy Combs in order to become relevant. Obviously the Kardashians went BLACK early and often and continue to follow the dark path at every road fork.
Christine India
^^^To add on^^^…..The dress would sell for about $5 if it were put in the middle of a rack of dresses and no one knew it was Kate’s. I don’t care if it cost $70 or $700, I don’t like it, even if it was longer.
Christine India
This average looking dress (mini-skirt) cost $70 (via Inside Edition show). It would sell for about $5 at the GoodWill 2nd hand store. I heard the queen does not like super short skirts; I love the queen.
PS: If Kate is preggers, I wish she would just say so, one way or another.
Madonna tries to stay relevant at any cost. Nobody cares what Madonna thinks. Asking her to speak about Kate’s fashion is like asking MC Hammer to speak on Kanye clothing.
What Sasha said!
Madonna can only dream of being the total package that GaGa is.
I know many of you don’t like GaGa, and I don’t listen to her music myself but you have to admire her ability to write her own music and lyrics, design her fashions create her stage and lighting etc. etc.
If we all had that kind of light shining in us what an amazing world it would be.
William and Kate are lovely! I’m finally getting into the Royal Family because of THEM.
Madonna was a slut in my eyes since I was 12. I’m now 38 and still think the same thing.
A good, gay male friend ADORES Madge’cause he figures if SHE can make money WITHOUT any talent, then he can too! He’s currently scouting out Marketing gurus…just like Madonna does…
I think Kate is so smart for not only recycling her wardrobe, but buying dresses that aren’t completely out of most people’s budget. As for Madonna, she only wishes she were the classy woman Kate is. She’s turned into a joke, only she’s not in on it. She needs to find a man who will keep her in line, and who is in her own age group. Dating first graders only makes her look desperate to still be thought desirable and attractive. Girlfriend was NEVER attractive.
@Chris Absolutely! Madonna is a pig. She couldn’t make herself English so now she continuing to lash out at anyone that is.
She can’t buy class, but she’s tried.
Madge just envies people with CLASS, something she will never have.
forrest gump
in europe most people are raised without Muffins & Stakes.
Lot’s of similarities w/ J Lo actually
Madonna is showing her insecurity more and more with the face fillers, toddler boyfriends and snarky comments about younger women in the spotlight. Whether she is insulting Lady Gaga (jealous much Madonna?)or giving Kate Middleton double sided compliments, it is obvious that she isn’t handling the aging process or the change in her career trajectory in a graceful way. She is really one of the most arrogant celebrities alive.
I’m surprised Madonna hasn’t tried to meet the Princess. She usually tries to insert herself into situations where the “hot thing” is.
Remember Guy Ritchie was invited to the royal wedding, and Madonna was not. Does anyone care about Madonna’s take on style? Oh, that’s right, 14 year old girls do.
@Muffie, I cracked up at “old, horny, child molester”. Madonna does need to do something new. She has been stuck on “being young” and dating young guys for too long now. It’s a tired routine.
Madonna knows which ass to kiss!
Kate is NOTHING like Madonna. Madonna wishes she were a lady like Kate rather than a OLD, horny, child molester!
That is a backhanded compliment! Madonna is such a witch.
Since the Sun, Moon, Earth and stars revolve around Madonna she gives not a shit for anyone but herself.
Is she still speaking with her pretentious, phoney British accent?