SOME of us have used our pandemic down-time to perfect new skills, and that can certainly be said of Khloe Kardashian and Madonna. Khloe has been learning the joys of advanced photoshopping and posting impossibly glamorous photos of herself that look like she’s had major plastic surgery. She has managed to give herself flawless skin, highlighted hair, a newly contoured pointed chin, and a smaller body all over. She might have inspired Madonna because now Madonna has been posting refined photoshopped pics that turn back time! Madonna’s photos show a face totally without lines and glowing skin- she looks many years younger. If these women continue to stay home and post flattering pix, we will never know what they really look like!
Madonna photo: Instagram
Khloe photo: Twitter
Light Brigade
Cheerio, I see some resemblance in their eyes. Either way, it’s a shame that your father could be any one of a number of guys.
Not the soccer player, Google Alex roldan and khloe and click images
Light Brigade
Cherrio, that guy is 24 years old. Not her dad. OJ is her dad.
Silly Janet!
These people hire assistants to photoshop their pictures using face tune.
OJ is not Khloes dad, it is ALEX ROLDAN Google it, khlohog looks just like Alex with a wig on.
Janet's tell all groupie book coming soon
the whores of babylon
It has to be tough to be considered the least attractive of all your sisters. Khloe is frankly quite attractive, however, seems to compare herself unfavorably, She doesn’t get that we liked her best because she was normal, not an enhanced Kardashian,
Madonna is trying to turn back time. Give up and age gracefully. No one wins that battle.
Light Brigade
Chloe just got tired of looking like Daddy OJ.
Both of the vacuous idiots are shallow and substance deprived.