Lizzo looked happy walking into one of her favorite restaurants last night – Craig’s – but no one was happier than the restaurant host. Lizzo was wearing the most covered-up and modest outfit she’d ever worn to dinner there. Sometimes her skimpy and sheer apparel caused a buzz among the other diners. But tonight she was head-to-toe navy blue leather and there were no surprises in the back(!) Wonder what she thought about John Waters’ comment that if they ever make a movie about Divine, Lizzo should star…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
This woman has no self respect, dignity or real talent; if she did she wouldn’t debase and degrade herself the way she constantly does. It’s no wonder John Waters loves her; he is an abusive misogynist who treated the real Divine like garbage and abused him. What kind of person demands another eat animal feces for “art”. He is as mentally ill as Lizzo, they are perfect for each other; all image, NO substance.
Light Brigade
This heifer has no clue how awful she looks. I’m not sure what would look good on her, but it sure ain’t what she wears. Maybe a pup tent. Sorry to people who applaud her “bravery to show off her body”, but all that fat is a life shortener.
Wonder how many cows died to make that ugly outfit for that ugly cow