Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Paula Abdul is more than ready to start judging dancers instead of singers on her new CBS show “Live to Dance.” Above she was photographed leaving the auditions in New York, and on her way to Los Angeles where auditions began today in Burbank. She seems really happy that contestants have few limitations- they can be of any age, group or solo – and excel at any kind of dancing. Who needs American Idol, anyway?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Bitter little imposter, so jealous and envious of the success of Strom that it wants to be Strom….but can’t!
I secretly pine for Serena and Ellen to double team me.
Important points in this thread
An extremely important Hollywood Gossip thread that may exceed 100 posts:
Isn’t she known for having quite an odor, down there, too?
Put Paula down at the head of the race mingling table. But Yiddish Paula is much more sly about it and denies is happens.
However, Paula raised money for jewish relief by day and STILL was banged loopy by several BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
Amazing thread that may soon exceed 100 posts:
Isn’t she known for having quite an odor, down there, too?
Put Paula down at the head of the race mingling table. But Yiddish Paula is much more sly about it and denies is happens.
However, Paula raised money for jewish relief by day and STILL was banged loopy by several BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
Amazing thread that may reach 100 posts:
Isn’t she known for having quite an odor, too?
Put Paula down at the head of the race mingling table. But Yiddish Paula is much more sly about it and denies is happens.
However, Paula raised money for jewish relief by day and STILL was banged loopy by several BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE JCH Gay and tranny stories:
Put Paula down on the race mingling page too. She is much more sly about it and denied much of it but:
Paula raised money for jewish relief by day and STILL was banged loopy by several BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
Put Paula down on the race mingling page too. She is much more sly about it and denied much of it but:
Paula raised money for jewish relief by day and STILL was banged loopy by several BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
So very very true.
Is Paula raising money for jewish relief by day and STILL being banged loopy by BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
So true.
Is Paula raising money for jewish relief by day and STILL being banged by BLACKS at night? America wants to know.
It’s true:
Paula is keeping a very low profile but the cat is out of the bag and Paula’s dark secret is that she has had numerous sexual encounters with BLACKS besides BLACK Corey Clark.
This jewess doesn’t want it known but a bit of googling will turn up the truth.
Call her out for being too Kardashian or J Lo like!
Rumors are Paula is back to banging BLACKS. Could this be why she is known to have quite a smell, down there?
Important Breaking News:
Paula is caught like a rat but totally willing to lie:
Paula is keeping a very low profile but the cat is out of the bag and Paula’s dark secret is that she has had numerous sexual encounters with BLACKS besides BLACK Corey Clark.
This jewess doesn’t want it known but a bit of googling will turn up the truth.
Call her out for being too Kardashian or J Lo like!
Paula is keeping a very low profile but the cat is out of the bag sand Paula’s dark secret is that she has had numerous sexual encounters with BLACKS besides BLACK Corey Clark.
This jewess doesn’t want it known but a bit of googling will bring this up.
The cat is out of the bag sand Paula’s dark secret is that she has had numerous sexual encounters with BLACKS besides BLACK Corey Clark. The jewess doesn’t want it known but a bit of googling will bring this up.
Caught like a rat but willing to lie:
Poor Poor 998o contributing nothing and enabling the ghetto and the gay lifestyle proponents.
The question many will ask is that was Paula’s affair with a BLACK contestant hushed up so quickly because the affair was between a jewess and a BLACK?
Poor 998o contributing nothing and enabling the ghetto.
The question many will ask is that was Paula’s affair with a BLACK contestant hushed up so quickly because the affair was between a jewess and a BLACK?