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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Lisa Marie Presley, 52, and her ex-husband, musician Michael Lockwood’s custody battle might turn out to be as tawdry as Johnny Depp’s court battle with Amber Heard, with both of them revealing embarrassing details about the other. In the past Lockwood has accused Lisa of “snorting so much cocaine that she stayed wake for eleven days straight.” Lisa Marie retaliated by claiming she found child pornography on Lockwood’s computer. Their 11 year old twins Harper and Finley were temporarily taken into child custody, while both parents were investigated. Lisa has been treated for substance abuse and the court could find no solid evidence for either claim. Now they are back in court fighting over the twins and money. Lisa arrived to court still looking wan and devastated by the death of her son Benjamin. Michael (above) was dressed to kill. And so it begins…(By the way, HE’S still a Scientologist and she is NOT.)

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Diva

    Another couple that deserve each other!

  2. Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?

    Scientology would love to get a chunk of that Elvis money if there is any left