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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#lindsaylohan #janetcharlton

There’s more to this Lindsay Lohan $100,000 jewelry heist than meets the eye. You’ll recall Lindsay was at an all night party at the house of a rich guy named Sam Magid when the host noticed jewelry and electronics missing from his house. He called the cops and named Lindsay and her posse as suspects. Later he changed his mind and decided not to pursue the matter. And we hear it’s not the first time he suspected Lindsay of stealing from his house. This guy Sam Magid is a wealthy but not particularly compelling person who’s desperate to be in the “In Crowd” in Hollywood. He throws lavish parties, hoping to make friends with celebrities and buy his way into their good graces. He considers Lindsay a big star and she introduces him to people. So he DOESN’T want to jeopardize his social connection Lindsay by getting her locked up in jail! Obviously she takes advantage of him. Insiders believe that Lindsay helped her friends jack the merchandise from Sam’s house, knowing he wouldn’t pursue the matter. What a bunch of pathetic people.

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  1. WTH

    Janet it would be nice if you would give some background on who this “Sam Magid” person is and where he gets his money. How about a picture?

  2. jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    Sometimes people will do anything to be around a movie star and thank goodness this guy has money and that means he can hang out with movies stars who are very rich and has there shit together and claiming some things come up missing…Well did he do a police report or is he just saying this to get attention and matter of fact all his costly stuff should go to a Safe or from know on book the Clubs for his future parties and so that way the worry or concerns for his value of things around the house are not going to be bothered but if you have no trust in that person..Simply don’t allow another person that you can’t trust in your home..Protect your house and only invite people you can trust!

  3. dark sided

    Janet,you should know.He is kinda her sugar daddy.He pays her good money for sex.He pays her 2mil.a year for having sex with her ,sometimes filming,and sometimes involving other people.She is been doing sexual favors for pay for a while know.I know that for sure.

  4. Kitty

    She’s really disgusting and I’m tired of her always getting a free pass or at most a slap on the wrist. Dirty, lying thief.

  5. Denise

    Lindsay Lohan a “social connection”? Pu-leez

  6. Strom

    She’s bad news. Supposedly made almost $2 million in the last year but must have huge legal bills and obviously no ability to control her spending. Needs a conservator but it couldn’t be her parents as they are worse.

  7. imgeorgewill3

    She is well known for having “sticky fingers” when she is out and about; I remember an incident where Lohan walked off wearing a woman’s fur coat at a nightclub and then acted like she wasn’t aware that the coat wasn’t her own! I think a year in jail would sober this little ingrate up big time; then again, she probably wouldn’t learn her lesson even then! And what about this $46K bill at the Marmont? She should pay for her stay there – especially the cigarette bill! Give me a break! Who does she think she is?

  8. Strom

    …calling Sam Ronson!

  9. Strom

    She and the spade that was with her make a great pair.

  10. Reta

    Non one should invite ANY Lohan anywhere, EVER! They are ALL losers! Flush the whole damn family down the drain and stop talking about any of them!

  11. baja

    so this is whyt she calls them “Friends”?

  12. Harvey

    Sam had better find better friends…

  13. palermo

    Not sure why she has haters? Because she is a liar, druggie, drunk and a thief? Because she always gets a free pass to get away with things other people would be locked up for? Oh, beats me …

  14. Mark Rushton

    Awful lot of assumptions here.Seems Miss Lohan has her haters alright.Not sure why.I’m guessing if you actually knew her,you’d like her.But,haters hate regardless of truth or reality,don’t they 🙂

  15. dandilion

    As long as they prey on each other .. ha ha..

  16. Christine India

    After all the stunts she’s pulled over the years….affair with Sam Ronson, affairs with various men, stealing, lying, drugs, parties, drinking, DUI’s, in and out of rehab, in and out of jail, plastic surgery, she should be 50 years old .

  17. yoyo

    I somewhat feel pity for the girl, considering she has no real friends, no good acting gigs & no family that seems to care. If she keeps this up the end result will be jail or death. Get off the junk Lindsay, be grateful for what you do have.

  18. Bluejay

    Sad to have to buy “friends” at such a high cost. They deserve each other.

  19. mish mash

    What kind of loser would think that Blohan would be his entre to Hollywood? She is strictly bargain basement celebrity(if even that)

  20. Pippa Martin-St Onge

    Crime is the only way for her to get Press.