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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Surely Leonardo DiCaprio wasn’t surprised when he was mistaken for a thief in that jewelry store in Sydney, Australia. A lot of the time he LOOKS like a potential thief. Anybody running a jewelry store would be freaked out if two burly guys (bodyguards) followed by a furtive man covered up in a hoodie and sunglasses walked in. Most guys covered up in hoodies are up to no good, as President Obama is well aware. Time to push the silent alarm. Luckily, Leo took off his glasses and revealed his sweet face before there was a problem and it was endearing to hear that he picked out a necklace for his mother.

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  1. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    Dressing down causes less attention to you and…To be able to walk some where and do something fun without people looking at you is a Gift and…He is just enjoying himself and having some private moments.

  2. Casonia...Van on Hells kitchen called chef gordon a british bastard and really talked about him like trash and often messed up the fish and could not look him in the eye when directed toward a problem..He was loud and often said he can do it but did not l

    Leonardo is so smoking hot and sexy and every one in the world is going to pay attention to him and…When they find out who he is? Here comes the stalking and here comes unwanted company of others. He just wants to fade away and be just like every one else.

  3. Caren

    Leo looks sexy. Wish he’d come in my place of business!

  4. Caren

    I liked reading Mr. Walt’s opinions and stories. We use to read his funny ones out loud to the other girls in my cubicle.

  5. Patrick

    Tyrone went to GAY Island, Csonia.

  6. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!

    Yummy, Sweet and Hot his lips are and…Yes his acting makes me believe in many directions and….. Spice and tenderness and his personality reminds me of Tyrome Powers?

  7. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!

    In his acting he has made us laugh and has made us cry and made us think about life in many directions and….He is really Handsome and very,very attractive and his body is incredible and…He is sweet but sexy looking and it is hard to look away to such a Babe.

  8. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!

    Hide in Plan Sight and this is his wonderful way of getting over on the stalkers who take his picture without his promission and for the rest of his life..He is not even going able to go any where in the world without some one taking and…I mean taking a picture of him and…His life is public and there are going to be stories written about him…Until the day he dies and Leonardo will always be part of the world forever…Because he has torched are Hearts and Souls and…He has made us stop and think about are lives.

  9. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!

    It is okay for a grown ass man to want some time to himself and look world your taking pictures of him without his promission and so that is like stalking a person and that does give me the major creeps and you people will never understand that a movie stars life is stripped away to some degree! All privacy is gone and you can’t even go to the store and you can’t go any where without people smiling at you and that would feel strange and weird…Because this people know who you are and the big problem is that you don’t know who they are?

  10. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks!

    Life with people who are complete strangers up in your face and talking to you like they know you. People that you never looked at before? What do they want….When you want time to yourself and are walking around…It is nice to say Hello to some one that you know and have a connection with….But when some stranger starts off personal and become pushy and aggressive it could be really freaky on so many levels and privacy is what a person is looking for and…You people should know that fear and frustration of strangers trying to hang out with you.

  11. cara

    inflated ego 100%.

    He should not make such a spectacle. But rather walk normal. Then people I’m sure would be like, you know who you look like. Used to happen all the time in Greenwich, ct and the celeb’s would say, yeah, I get that all the time. Which is way classier then this michael jackson-esq routine/get-up of his.

  12. Palermo

    I have never gotten his appeal. Another overgrown kid.

  13. Indy

    Wormy looking little toad.

  14. rb

    He must be tired of all the attention..i can imagine it gets very old after a while. Sometimes you just want to be incognito.

  15. forrest gump

    he must be terrible ashamed of himself?

  16. Kitty

    What an idiot.

  17. right

    like he really needs bodyguards. He has an over inflated sense of himself. btw all you confused girls…he prefers 8—-D

  18. Bluejay

    That’s a smoking gun for sure–jewelry for mom.

  19. Patrick

    Walt had enough of Casonia.

  20. Denise

    By the way, has anyone seen Walt?

  21. Denise

    That necklace looked more like something Blake Lively would wear. Are you sure it was for his mother?

    About the story: I thought it was interesting that the shop worker called the owner when she thought she might be robbed, not the police. Who does that? Unless of course the owner “was packin'”

  22. pippa martins-st. onge

    Nothing new here. This was already shown on Harvey Levin’s TMZ. Janet do you work for Harvey?