Kirstie Alley LOOKS fabulous due to her amazing weight loss but according to coworkers, it hasn’t done much for her temperament. A few years back when chubby Kirstie was filming her Pier 1 commercials she was described as “a lot of fun!” Her skirts got puffier with every commercial, but Kirstie was happy. “She loves fast food and routinely had orders from Taco Bell and Arby’s brought in during the shooting days. She was sweet and generous ” said a coworker “but she wasn’t hungry.” Her Jenny Craig ad shoots are a different story. Being hungry is no fun. A source said “Since she lost weight , Kirstie is SURLY! She’s impatient and yells at the director ‘Aren’t we done yet!’ or ‘Let’s speed it up!’ She’s more fun when she’s eating!”
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
These people don’t “diet.” They have their dealers on speed-dial on their cell phones. That’s how they lose all that weight so quickly.
The rest of us, mere mortals, we have to diet.
kIRSTIE LOOKS GREAT, AND it is commendable that she did the hard work to lose weight. I do think the whole diet ting gets to be a thing though in Hollywood, of too much focus on the outside of a person. Way too much.
Scottina "Sue Me, Just Try" Sue
She needs to get into running or some other endorphin-releasing activity. It improves your mood and you tend to eat the right foods. I would also recommend a comedy film with Roseanne, set in Malibu.
It’s all worth it, Kristie.
See the comment above mine.
It’s better to be a raging, miserable BITCH than fat.
There sure is alot chubbies who post here!
The woman is still heavy. I love how chubbies try, and convince others that having a triple chin, and two guts is “normal.” Ha! Move away from your computers, chubbies, and go for a walk every once in a while.
she looks good! at least her tummy doesn’t stick out past her tits (= way past time to diet! LOL)
maybe she’s being so bitchy cuz she’s under pressure?
who said anything about her having to be stick thin? hahaha have you seen the photos of her during fat actress? She was 5 stick thin actresses put together, she had no ankles folks. Now she is still a very wide load, way above what the doctor considers healthy (the shot is just her face basically, and some shoulders, lets see her hips, legs and ass, and I am sure you will see something that demands “wide load” written on it.
sorry, all the over-reaction about stick-thin people doesnt make kirstie get any more “normal” looking, she is BIG not just “normal big”.
In 12 step recovery from compulsive eating, we have an expression, “Thin is not well.” Sometimes when we look the best on the outside, we are the most miserable human beings on the inside. Take it from an addict!
If Scientology could promise perfect body weight and size 0 everything… well, Hollywood would convert.
Not a Fan
I guess $cientology doesn’t provide the “tools” for dieting or happiness. So, what good is it?
Mrs. Guttman
She should look to Xenu to solve her grumpy issues.
What do you mean she is “waaay heavy”? I think she looks great. It’s refreshing to not see a person’s skeleton when they are posing for pictures. If I want to see that, I’ll look at a National Geographic pictorial of Ethiopia… not Hollywood.
Scientologist lover
Kristie will always look like a Vulcan. I heard her boyfriend dumped her cuz he no longer can roll her in flour and go for the wet spot.
Plus, she worked HARD to look that way and did it right, instead of getting stapled. Cut her some slack.
Who isn’t grumpy when they’re dieting and deprived?
I think that Kirstie looks great no matter what size she is. She has a great face and personality. It’s too bad that the stick figure is such a big deal, because it’s not normal. I don’t enjoy watching sticks in romantic comedies. I like women with a little shape and men who are a bit ‘teddy bear’.
No, she does not look heavy, she looks normal. Size 0 is NOT normal, nor does it look good in person. I think she looks great and had come a long way.
If this is true, it would go a long way in explaining Naomi Campbell.
But she is still waaaayyy heavy, maybe that’s the reason she’s angry, as she IS a big, heavy woman. What more does she really have to offer? Being fat is her thing now.
Of course she’s surly! Damn it, she’s starving! Don’t you get grumpy when you’re hungry? My theory is that’s why so many of the celebrities get accused of being so bitchy – they just need to eat more!